[Abstract]:The seismic response characteristics of high earth rockfill dam under different amplitude, frequency and duration of ground motion are studied by model test of large shaking table. The earthquake failure mode and failure mechanism of high earth rockfill dam are analyzed. The dynamic numerical simulation is carried out by using finite difference program and model test. The results show that the acceleration response has obvious top amplification effect along the height of the dam, the acceleration response of the dam slope presents the surface amplification effect relative to the same height dam body, when the excellent frequency of the input seismic wave is close to the natural vibration frequency of the dam body, the acceleration response of the dam slope is similar to the natural vibration frequency of the dam body. The acceleration response of the dam is stronger, and the permanent deformation of the dam needs a certain amount of time accumulation, and the duration of ground motion has a great influence on the permanent deformation. In the shaking table model test, the dam body failure starts from the top of the dam, and the failure mode mainly shows that the top of the dam is loose, rolling, collapsing, and even local shallow sliding. The main reason is that the acceleration response is magnified in the top part of the dam and the surface layer of the dam slope, as well as the superposition of three factors: the surrounding depression of the dam top rockfill and the low shear strength. Therefore, the top of the dam is the key part of the seismic design of the high earth-rock dam. The results can be used as a reference for seismic design of high earth-rock dams.
【作者单位】: 中国电建集团成都勘测设计研究院有限公司;中冶华天工程技术有限公司;
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