[Abstract]:River ecological landscape system is an important part of ecosystem. However, with the continuous improvement of the economic level and the vigorous development of society, the exploitation and utilization of the environment is becoming more and more serious, which has a great impact on the river ecosystem. Nowadays, with the rise of living standards, people's pursuit of the spiritual world is increasing, and the ecological landscape of river courses is far from satisfying people's needs. Nowadays, people have new requirements for the river ecological landscape which is closely related to life, so how to manage it is an urgent problem to be solved. This paper takes Tongyuanxi ecological landscape management project of Jinhua city of Zhejiang province as the research object, after analyzing and summarizing the experience and method of excellent cases at home and abroad, and aiming at the present situation of river channel landscape in Tongyuanxi, Zhejiang province, through the field investigation. After reviewing a large number of literature, the following problems are found in the river ecological landscape system of Tongyuan River in Zhejiang Province: serious water pollution, serious deterioration of water quality, serious disappearance of cultural imprint in Tongyuan River, Zhejiang Province, and the following problems are found in the river ecological landscape system of Tongyuan River, Zhejiang Province: serious water pollution and serious deterioration of water quality; The water landscape along the coast is disorderly and has poor visibility; there are serious hidden dangers in flood control; the water quantity distribution of the whole river is uneven and the river landscape is not continuous; the living environment is deteriorating seriously and the biodiversity is damaged. Because of the lack of land value nearby, it is difficult to make good use of the land. On the basis of summarizing the above problems, we take landscape ecology as the guidance theory, from the water environment, water culture, water landscape, water safety, water resources, The strategies and methods of ecological landscape management of Tongyuan River in Zhejiang Province were put forward in seven aspects of water ecology and water economy. After the overall planning, node design and joint industry planning of Tongyuan River, the detailed design of the renovation of key areas, as well as the special design of water treatment, flood control and drainage, green roads, lighting, plants and pavement, The conclusions are as follows: (1) the Tongyuan River channel has more steps of square and walkway to increase its hydrophilicity; (2) through the construction of wetland landscape, the landscape and functionality of the ecological landscape of Tongyuan River are enhanced; (3) the cover plate is removed to recreate the old landscape of Tongyuan River. (4) build sponge city and soft bank in Tongyuan River basin to solve the water system problem. The ecological and landscape functions of Tongyuan River are enhanced, biodiversity and stability are increased, and the environmental, ecological and social benefits are comprehensively improved.
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