[Abstract]:Leakage and bank collapse are common diseases in water conservancy projects, which directly threaten the safety of engineering operation. The biological consolidation tests of four different sand columns show that the biological consolidation method can reduce the permeability of porous media rapidly and greatly, and the sand column with larger particle size has a good transport channel of nutrients. The decrease rate of permeability coefficient is relatively high. The shear test results show that the shear strength of the sand column has obviously increased after biological consolidation, but there is no obvious internal relation between the strength change and the sand sample particle size. Therefore, the increase of sand strength is related to the individual difference of calcium deposition, and the increase of strength is related not only to the amount of calcium deposit, but also to the cementation form between sand grains. The microcosmic results show that there are significant differences between the calcareous deposition patterns in the small diameter sand column and the large diameter sand column. Compared with the small diameter sand column, the distribution of the calcium deposit on the surface of the large diameter sand column is disorderly. The results of EDS energy spectrometer show that the main composition of the consolidation material in the sand column is calcium carbonate with a small amount of other impurities.
【作者单位】: 南京水利科学研究院;江苏省疾病预防控制中心;
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