发布时间:2018-11-20 19:55
【摘要】:我国南方山区小流域多为水系发源地,流量小、水资源储备少,存在季节性缺水问题,加之地理位置偏僻,交通不便,当地经济普遍落后。近年来,山区生态旅游兴旺发展,旅游服务业在带动山区经济发展的同时,也带来了水环境污染,加剧了水资源短缺矛盾。山区创新可持续发展是实现区域协调发展的关键,山区小流域的水资源短缺与水环境问题亟待解决。 本文选取我国南方典型山区小流域——安吉县山川乡大里村小流域为研究对象,大里村小流域具有以下特点:1、位于二类水环境功能区,国家规定不得新建排污口,其经济发展与环境保护相矛盾;2、产业结构类型简单,以农业、旅游业、特色农产品加工业为主;3、为独立和封闭的汇水单元,只有唯一一个稳定的供水水源,便于水平衡分析;4、农田土地已流转,便于统一管理。本文在调查研究该流域水资源数量及时空分布特征的基础上,分析了区域水资源的供需平衡状况。针对该流域水资源需大于供的特点,提出将农产品加工业、餐饮业及生活污水经处理达标后用于农业灌溉的技术思路;对流域内各水污染源处理工程、污水收集管线及调蓄池塘进行了工程设计,并被当地政府采纳。大里村小流域水资源综合利用方式具有一定的普遍性和推广性,为我国南方山区小流域探索出了一条经济、资源与环境协调可持续发展的新路子。
[Abstract]:The small watersheds in the mountainous areas of southern China are mainly the source of water system, with small discharge, low water resources reserve, seasonal water shortage, remote geographical location and inconvenient transportation, and the local economy is generally backward. In recent years, ecotourism in mountainous areas has developed rapidly, and tourism service industry has brought water environmental pollution while driving the development of mountain economy, which has aggravated the contradiction of water resources shortage. The innovation and sustainable development of mountain area is the key to realize the coordinated development of the region. The problems of water resources shortage and water environment in small watershed in mountainous area should be solved urgently. In this paper, a typical mountainous watershed in southern China, the Dali Village and small Watershed in Shanchuan Township, Anji County, is selected as the research object. The Dali Village and small Watershed has the following characteristics: 1, located in the second class water environment function area, the state stipulates that no new sewage outlet shall be built. Its economic development and environmental protection are contradictory; (2) the industrial structure is simple, mainly in agriculture, tourism and characteristic agricultural products processing industry, 3, it is an independent and closed catchment unit with only one stable water supply source, which is convenient for water balance analysis. 4, farmland land has been transferred to facilitate unified management. On the basis of investigation and study on the quantity and space-time distribution of water resources in the basin, this paper analyzes the balance between supply and demand of regional water resources. In view of the characteristics that water resources need more than supply in this basin, the technical ideas of agricultural products processing industry, catering industry and domestic sewage treatment for agricultural irrigation are put forward. The water pollution treatment project, sewage collection pipeline and storage pond in the basin were designed and adopted by the local government. The comprehensive utilization of water resources in the Dali Village and small Watershed has certain universality and generalization, which has explored a new way for the coordinated and sustainable development of economy, resources and environment for the small watershed in the mountainous areas of southern China.
[Abstract]:The small watersheds in the mountainous areas of southern China are mainly the source of water system, with small discharge, low water resources reserve, seasonal water shortage, remote geographical location and inconvenient transportation, and the local economy is generally backward. In recent years, ecotourism in mountainous areas has developed rapidly, and tourism service industry has brought water environmental pollution while driving the development of mountain economy, which has aggravated the contradiction of water resources shortage. The innovation and sustainable development of mountain area is the key to realize the coordinated development of the region. The problems of water resources shortage and water environment in small watershed in mountainous area should be solved urgently. In this paper, a typical mountainous watershed in southern China, the Dali Village and small Watershed in Shanchuan Township, Anji County, is selected as the research object. The Dali Village and small Watershed has the following characteristics: 1, located in the second class water environment function area, the state stipulates that no new sewage outlet shall be built. Its economic development and environmental protection are contradictory; (2) the industrial structure is simple, mainly in agriculture, tourism and characteristic agricultural products processing industry, 3, it is an independent and closed catchment unit with only one stable water supply source, which is convenient for water balance analysis. 4, farmland land has been transferred to facilitate unified management. On the basis of investigation and study on the quantity and space-time distribution of water resources in the basin, this paper analyzes the balance between supply and demand of regional water resources. In view of the characteristics that water resources need more than supply in this basin, the technical ideas of agricultural products processing industry, catering industry and domestic sewage treatment for agricultural irrigation are put forward. The water pollution treatment project, sewage collection pipeline and storage pond in the basin were designed and adopted by the local government. The comprehensive utilization of water resources in the Dali Village and small Watershed has certain universality and generalization, which has explored a new way for the coordinated and sustainable development of economy, resources and environment for the small watershed in the mountainous areas of southern China.
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