发布时间:2018-12-12 06:01
【摘要】:长江干流金沙江下游-三峡河段水能资源丰富,是长江水资源开发的重要河段。三峡工程是长江干流的控制性骨干工程,具有巨大的防洪、发电、航运等综合效益;而金沙江下游梯级开发以发电为主,兼顾防洪、供水灌溉等综合利用。三峡与金沙江下游梯级水库规模巨大,具有重大的联合调度效益,其供电范围基本一致。现有的管理模式下,具备实现联合调度的条件。水利工程设计阶段中梯级水库调度研究存在一定的局限性,与实际运行调度存在较大差距。在“厂网分开”与“竞价上网”的形势下,实现梯级水库群优化运行,为上报发电计划提供了参考依据。在执行发电计划时,合理分配不同电站出力,保证电网稳定运行,并能充分利用水能资源。 梯级水库群优化调度是一类高维、时变的大规模决策优化问题,并具有非线性、不确定性、多目标、多层次、多阶段等特征,一直是水利工程科学与系统工程科学交叉发展的前沿问题之一。然而,随着梯级水库群规模的不断扩大,梯级水库群之间的水力、电力联系日趋复杂化,不同调度需求、调度目标之间存在的相互制约与竞争关系日益明显,传统优化调度的理论与方法已难以支撑复杂大规模梯级水库群调度决策的制定,难以满足工程需求。因此,亟需研究新的优化理论与方法。 本文围绕三峡与金沙江下游梯级水库群发电优化调度决策问题,采用Pareto多目标优化决策技术,对三峡与金沙江梯级水库群发电优化调度与决策问题作了深入的研究。以充分发挥发电效益为目标,引入复杂系统的建模理论、群智能优化方法,丰富了发电优化调度求解,为发电计划的制定提供参考依据。通过水文特性分析与风险分析对水库群蓄水时机作了分析研究,确定了蓄水时间,水库蓄能规律指导水库群出力合理分配,为电网稳定运行提供了保证,为梯级水库群发电优化调度研究提供了理论依据与技术支撑。主要研究工作与创新成果如下: (1)以金沙江下游梯级水库群运行调度为背景,分析了三峡发电调度模式下各调度目标间的竞争与冲突关系,通过引入Pareto优化概念,论述了多目标发电调度建模的理论基础,引入了有效库容,运用多目标遗传算法求解模型。结果表明有效库容很好的指导了NSGA-Ⅱ进化搜索,得到了较好的Pareto前沿。多目标优化调度分析发电优化调度中竞争与冲突目标之间的关系,为水库群优化调度研究与求解提供了一定的技术支撑。 (2)在了解发电优化调度目标之间的关系的基础上,围绕三峡与金沙江下游梯级水库群联合发电需求,建立了三峡优化调度模型和三峡与金沙江下游梯级水库群联合优化调度模型,分别采用动态规划算法、遗传算法与粒子群算法进行求解。针对已有模型求解方法的制约,结合遗传算法与粒子群算法,分别采用了增加种群多样性与控制粒子群惯性权值的手段,突破了复杂约束优化模型求解技术,提高了算法优化性能。三种算法在求解三峡优化调度模型时,改进的粒子群算法得到较为满意的解。将改进的粒子群算法应用到梯级水库群发电调度模型求解中,结果表明,该算法在求解精度与求解效率等方面性能显著改善,为水库优化调度模型的求解提供了新思路;同时把并行算法很好地嵌入到模型求解过程中,结果显示,算法的求解速度得到大大提高; (3)分析了影响三峡与金沙江下游梯级水库群蓄水的主要因素。结合目前水文特性,以水库蓄满率为目标,分析了金沙江下游水库群蓄水时机的选择;在确定了金沙江下游水库群蓄水时间的基础上,从风险率的角度分析了三峡水库提前蓄水的可能性; (4)发电企业作为一个整体,获得发电计划后,只有合理梯级分配水库间出力,才能一方面确保电网安全,另一方面使得有限的水能资源得到充分的利用。本文以水库群蓄能规律为基础,结合有效库容,建立了有效势能最大的等价性模型,并指导水库群蓄放水次序。与传统K系数判别式法相比,不同的典型年条件下,等价性模型指导三峡与金沙江下游梯级水库群进行蓄放水都取得较好的综合调度效益,,为研究梯级水库群的蓄放水规律提供了一定的参考依据,为执行发电计划提供了技术支撑。
[Abstract]:The hydropower resources of the lower reaches of the Jinsha River in the main stream of the Yangtze River are abundant and the important reach of the water resources development of the Yangtze River. The Three Gorges Project is the control key project of the main stream of the Yangtze River, which has the comprehensive benefits of flood control, power generation and shipping, while the downstream step-level development of the Jinsha River is dominated by power generation, and the comprehensive utilization of flood control and water supply irrigation is considered. The large scale of the cascade reservoirs in the Three Gorges and the Jinshajiang River has significant joint scheduling benefit, and its power supply range is basically the same. Under the existing management mode, the condition for realizing joint scheduling is provided. There are some limitations in the scheduling of the cascade reservoirs during the design stage of the water conservancy project, and there is a great gap with the actual operation schedule. In the situation of the 鈥渟eparation of plant net鈥
[Abstract]:The hydropower resources of the lower reaches of the Jinsha River in the main stream of the Yangtze River are abundant and the important reach of the water resources development of the Yangtze River. The Three Gorges Project is the control key project of the main stream of the Yangtze River, which has the comprehensive benefits of flood control, power generation and shipping, while the downstream step-level development of the Jinsha River is dominated by power generation, and the comprehensive utilization of flood control and water supply irrigation is considered. The large scale of the cascade reservoirs in the Three Gorges and the Jinshajiang River has significant joint scheduling benefit, and its power supply range is basically the same. Under the existing management mode, the condition for realizing joint scheduling is provided. There are some limitations in the scheduling of the cascade reservoirs during the design stage of the water conservancy project, and there is a great gap with the actual operation schedule. In the situation of the 鈥渟eparation of plant net鈥