[Abstract]:The y value of the wall is the main parameter reflecting the grid scale of the wall boundary layer, which has an important influence on the numerical results of the flow field of the pump station. In order to determine the dependence of different computing targets on y, a pumping station is taken as the research object. Based on the inspection of the independence of grid quantity, it is easy to divide the grid. In terms of numerical calculation accuracy and efficiency, three mesh schemes are proposed: global unstructured mesh scheme, global unstructured mesh scheme with specified height of boundary layer, and block structured grid scheme with specified height of boundary layer. The corresponding y values are 102000, 101000 and 10500, respectively. There is almost no difference in the uniformity of velocity distribution between scheme two and scheme three. The number of vortices in the vorticity field, the vorticity value and the distribution of vortex core are very close to each other, but the difference between scheme 1 and scheme 1 is quite large. It is found that when only the macroscopic hydraulic performance of pump stations is known, a simple and easy grid scheme can be adopted, and the y range can be extended to 0 / 2 000; In order to predict the flow characteristics of the influent part, especially the vortex distribution, it is necessary to ensure that y is less than 1 000, so the grid scheme of scheme 2 can be adopted. If the influent flow field is studied in detail or the vortex removal device is studied, it is necessary to make the y of the whole computing domain meet the requirement of 30g / 500, that is, the grid scheme of scheme 3 is adopted.
【作者单位】: 中国农业大学水利与土木工程学院;北京市供水管网系统安全与节能工程技术研究中心;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金项目(51139007) 国家科技支撑计划项目(2015BAD20B01)
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