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发布时间:2016-11-12 11:14


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(ⅳ) 裂缝中解吸附过程对页岩气产量的影响. 本文中基质采用了非平衡解吸附理论, 而裂缝则采用平衡态(也即瞬时)解吸附模型进行模拟. 对比不考虑裂缝中的解吸附过程计算的累积产量, 结果如图

14所示. 可以看出人工裂缝内解吸附过程对页岩气产量几乎没有影响: 生产150天后考虑人工裂缝内解吸附过程的累计产量为153492.9 m3, 不考虑人工裂缝内解吸附过程的累计产量为153490.2 m3, 相差仅为2.7 m3, 这说明人工裂缝内的吸附气量并不多(人工裂缝的容积本身很小), 所以人工裂缝内的解吸附过程可以忽略.

图14 (网络版彩色)人工裂缝内解吸附过程对页岩气产量的影响 Figure 14 (Color online) Impact of desorption process in hydraulic fracture on shale gas production

5 结论

针对页岩气渗流机理复杂的特点, 综合考虑了自由气的黏性流动、Knudsen扩散、滑脱流和吸附气的表面扩散以及岩石变形引起的吸附气滑移, 建立了页岩气渗流数学模型, 采用非线性非平衡Langmuir吸附理论分析了渗流过程中的解吸附机理. 通过数值模拟, 得到以下结论:

自由气的黏性流动与Knudsen扩散主导页岩气产量, 无因次变量既可分析主导流动机制, 也可计算等效渗透率.

(3) 非平衡解吸附过程相较于传统瞬时解吸附理论, 会降低页岩气产量, 解吸附速率越慢, 页岩气产量越低.

(4) 由于人工裂缝容积有限, 在模拟多级压裂水平井页岩气产量时可以忽略人工裂缝中的解吸附过程.

(1) 页岩气在原始储层条件下几乎不流动, 在多级压裂水平井的产能计算中, 可以只考虑SRV区域内气体的流动.

(5) 建立的数学模型能够分析自由气、吸附气以及净解吸附速率在生产过程中的时空分布规律, 为多级压裂水平井中页岩气的渗流问题提供了科学

(2) 数值模拟结果显示, 吸附气的表面扩散与滑






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评 述

Gas flow in shale reservoirs

XIA Yang1, JIN Yan1, CHEN Mian1 & CHEN KangPing1,2

1 2

State Key Laboratory of Petroleum Resources and Prospecting, China University of Petroleum, Beijing 102249, China; School for Engineering of Matter, Transport and Energy, Arizona State University, Tempe AZ 85287-6101, USA

This study incorporates various gas transport mechanisms in shale nanopores with nonlinear and non-equilibrium gas adsorption- desorption kinetics. We formulate a simplified model for matrix and hydraulic fractures to study the dynamic production performance of multi-stage fractured horizontal wells in shale gas reservoirs. The gas transport mechanisms include viscous flow, Knudsen diffusion of free gas, surface diffusion, and slippage of adsorbed gas whilerock deformation is coupled in the flow equations. The sensitivity of the production rate to key physical parameters is examined through numerical simulation. Our results indicate that the viscous flow and Knudsen diffusion dominate the production of shale gas. The production rate was sensitive to the desorption rate while largely unaffected by the surface diffusion and slippage of the adsorbed gas, given that the transport process of adsorbed gas is a much slower process than the diffusion of free gas.

shale gas, flow mechanism, non-equilibrium desorption, numerical simulation

doi: 10.1360/N972014-01175






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