[Abstract]:With the rapid development of industrialization and urbanization in China, the contradiction between the rapid development of economy and society and the increasing pressure of resources and environment is becoming increasingly prominent, and the ecological and environmental situation in some mineral resources development areas is becoming increasingly severe. It is of great significance to perfect the system of ecological compensation for resource development to promote the construction of ecological civilization and to promote the sustainable development of resource development. Therefore, on the basis of the laws and regulations such as the Constitution, the Environmental Protection Law, the Mineral Resources Law, and other laws and regulations, the ecological compensation system for the exploitation of resources has been stipulated one after another. The "decision" of the fourth Plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee further specified the "formulation of laws and regulations to improve ecological compensation, soil, water, air pollution prevention and marine ecological environment protection, and to promote the construction of ecological civilization." The ecological compensation for mineral resources exploitation has also been carried out in various regions of China. However, by reviewing the current theoretical research and practical work, we find that the current ecological compensation for mineral resources development in China still exists such as inadequate legal basis for ecological compensation, inadequate standard of compensation, imperfect management system and mechanism. A series of problems need to be solved urgently, such as the lack of system execution. At the same time, the United States, Germany, the United Kingdom, Brazil and other countries have earlier explored the key issues such as the management system mechanism of ecological compensation for mineral resources development, the main body of compensation, and the source of compensation funds, and have accumulated useful experience. It provides valuable inspiration for perfecting the system design of our country. On the basis of analyzing the problems existing in the ecological compensation system of mineral resources development in China and drawing lessons from the international experience, this paper begins with the analysis of ecological compensation social relations, and puts forward the connotation of the two levels of ecological compensation for the exploitation of mineral resources. In a broad sense, ecological compensation for resource development includes compensation for environmental pollution, damage and promotion of ecological functional value in the process of resource development. With the new concept system, the paper further puts forward the principles and ideas of perfecting the ecological compensation system for mineral resources development in China, and constructs the principles including ecological compensation. The main body of ecological compensation (the main body of compensation and the subject of compensation), the source of compensation funds (tax and fee of resources, deposit system, market-oriented financing channel, etc.) and its use, the standard of compensation, the way of compensation, Implement the system of ecological compensation for resource development, including the main contents of evaluation.
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