[Abstract]:There are 702 species of seed plants belonging to 356 genera and 90 families in Kongtong Mountain area. Among them, 662 species of wild species belong to 343 genera and 88 families. It is a rare gene bank of natural species. In the past ten years, the vegetation has recovered rapidly, and the forest cover increased from 37.4% in 1996 to 45.8% in 2011, and the shrub land increased from 3 216 hm2 to 3 865 hm2. in 1996. With the increase of shrub forest area, the community structure has undergone complex succession changes. In order to study the shrub community structure and vegetation landscape change under different habitat conditions in Kongtong Mountain, the shrub community and its components in Kongtong Mountain were investigated by sampling line technique, and the relationship between shrub community and ecological environment in Kongtong Mountain was discussed. The composition of shrub community, shrub community structure and succession of shrub community were systematically analyzed under different ecological conditions. The results show that 142 species of shrubs, subshrubs and woody vines belong to 39 families, 74 genera, except for 1 family, 1 genus and 2 species of gymnosperms, all of which are angiosperms. Among them, vertical distribution with elevation has certain stratification, shrub community composition is different under 4 kinds of slope conditions, among them, 12 species are main tree species in sunny slope distribution, 14 species are main tree species in semi-sunny slope, and 14 species are Nitraria chinensis as building group species, 14 species are main species in semi-sunny slope distribution, 12 species are main tree species in sunny slope distribution. There are 12 species and 15 species distributed in semi-shady slope and shady slope, respectively. Under the condition of not being disturbed by the outside world, the succession of shrub community begins on bare wasteland, during which natural grassland is roughly experienced. Shrub community, subshrub community (single superior community), and finally to the tree community succession.
【作者单位】: 甘肃省生态环境监测监督管理局;甘肃省水土保持科学研究所;
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