[Abstract]:Water is the source of life. In order to solve the serious problem of water resources in China, our country proposes to carry out the "strictest" management of water resources. Under this background, the governments at all levels put forward to implement the strictest water resources management system, and carried out the strictest water resources management examination for the next higher level government, hoping to promote the "strictest" management of water resources by means of examination. Through practice, the current assessment index system adopted by governments at all levels has some problems, such as incomplete selection of indicators, unscientific weight setting and unfair assessment results, etc. The results can not fully reflect the performance and level of the government's most stringent water resources management. The scientific and objective performance evaluation index system of government's strictest water resources management can quantify the gap between the scientific and objective evaluation of government water resources management level and "the strictest management" and expose the problems existing in the government work. It is of great significance to promote the enthusiasm of the government in water resources management and to optimize the internal management ability and efficiency of the government. This paper first analyzes the domestic and foreign research on the most stringent water resources management, government performance evaluation and other aspects of the current situation. Then the connotation of the strictest water resources management system and the merits and demerits of the current State Council's assessment index system for provincial governments are analyzed. On the basis of this, this paper puts forward six index selection principles, such as core and comprehensiveness, and through expert investigation, determines the government's strictest index system of water resources management performance evaluation with 4 target layers, 7 types and 18 indexes. Finally, this paper carries out an empirical analysis on Yunnan Central Yunnan New area, and evaluates the performance of water resources management in Yunnan Central Yunnan New area in 2014 by using analytic hierarchy process and data standardization method. The evaluation result is 80.29 points. According to the results of each target layer and comprehensive evaluation, this paper puts forward three policy suggestions: strengthening the unified management of water resources, doing well the statistics of water resources foundation, establishing information system and strengthening the administrative resources of water resources management to carry out the assessment results.
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