[Abstract]:Xinjiang is located in the northwest of the motherland, it is the main route of the Silk Road, it is also a region where multi-ethnic groups live together, many religions coexist, and multi-cultural exchanges collide. In history, the people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang have created brilliant and splendid history and culture. In Shule, Yingjisha, Shara, Bachu, Luopu, Yutian counties, Sholbak Township in Hotan City and villages near Loppo in southern Xinjiang, there is a part of the local Uygur people who are culturally different from the local Uighurs. They live together in villages, with a total population of about 7,000. This group has a unique lifestyle, begging seasonally and for boys
【作者单位】: 新疆社会科学院民族文化研究所;
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