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发布时间:2022-01-16 13:43
  棉花是种主要的全球纤维和经济作物,在温带和热带地区大约有50个国家为实现农业和工业化的目标而种植它。由于纤维品质较好,其在国民经济中起着重要作用。对于棉花的高效种植而言,了解其在不同田间管理措施下的棉花生长发育及产量变化情况十分重要。包括种植密度及氮肥在内的众多因素在棉花生产过程中有着重要作用。氮对于棉花的可持续生产十分重要,并且可以通过增加单株成铃数从而提高光合速率、扩大冠层、增加产量。而通过增加密度能够在不牺牲产量的情况下减少投入。据报道,在中国的农村劳动力从1995年的3亿5500万下降至2007年的3亿1400万,从事非农业工作的比例由1986年的33%增加到2008年的63%,从而造成农业生产劳动力成本增加。然而,在晚播基础上,适当增加种植密度,在植物最需要的时期一次施肥,可以实现不减产的目的。本研究的主要目的就是探讨这一生产模式下,N肥用量和种植密度合理的搭配组合。大田试验在两个地点(中国和巴基斯坦)和两个生长季节(2015-2016)进行,采用裂区试验,N施用量为主区,PD为副区。N施用量两个水平:低氮(LN)120 kg ha-1 高氮(HN)18... 

【文章来源】:华中农业大学湖北省 211工程院校 教育部直属院校

【文章页数】:106 页


List of Abbreviations
Chapter 1: Review
    1.1 Cotton production in C hina and Pakistan
        1.1.1 Cotton production in C hina
        1.1.2 Cotton production in Pakistan
    1.2 Cotton yield formation in relation to nitrogen and plant density
        1.2.1 Cotton yield response to nitrogen
        1.2.2 Cotton yield response to plant density
    1.3 Cotton phenology in relation to nitrogen and plant density
        1.3.1 Cotton phenology in relation to nitrogen
        1.3.2 Cotton phenology in relation to plant density
    1.4 Cotton nutrients assimilation in relation to nitrogen and plant density
        1.4.1 Cotton nutrients assimilation in relation to nitrogen
        1.4.2 Cotton nutrients assimilation in relation to plant density
    1.5 Cotton photosynthesis in relation to nitrogen and plant density
        1.5.1 Cotton photosynthesis in relation to nitrogen
        1.5.2 Cotton photosynthesis in relation to plant density
    1.6 Nitrogen and plant density interaction on cotton yield formation
    1.7 Objectives
    1.8 Research project grant
Chapter 2: Effect of nitrogen and plant density on cotton yield formation and nitrogen utilization in Hubei C hina
    2.1 Introduction
    2.2 Materials and Methods
        2.2.1 Experimental site
        2.2.2 Experimental design and treatments
        2.2.3 Crop management
    2.3 Data collection
        2.3.1 Weather data
        2.3.2 Cotton growth and phenology
        2.3.3 Crop growth rate
        2.3.4 Cotton biomass
        2.3.5 Cotton lint, seed cotton yield, harvest index and ratio of seed cotton to stalk
        2.3.6 Cotton yield attributes
        2.3.7 Total nitrogen contents at different growth stages
        2.3.8 Soil sampling and nutrients determination procedure
        2.3.9 Statistical analysis
    2.4 Results
        2.4.1 Cotton growth and phenology
        2.4.2 Cotton biomass production
        2.4.3 Cotton yield, ratio of seed cotton to stalk and harvest index
        2.4.4 Cotton yield attributes
        2.4.5 Total nitrogen contents in cotton
    2.5 Discussion
    2.6 Conclusion
Chapter 3: Effect of nitrogen and planting density on cotton photosynthesis traits in Hubei China
    3.1 Introduction
    3.2 Materials and Methods
        3.2.1 Experimental site description
        3.2.2 Experimental design and treatments
    3.3 Data collection
        3.3.1 Leaf area
        3.3.2 Leaf area index
        3.3.3 Relative water contents
        3.3.4 Chlorophyll contents
        3.3.5 Cotton leaf gas exchange and photosynthetic rate
        3.3.6 Photosynthetic rate, intercellular CO_2, and water use efficiency at different growth stages
        3.3.7 Statistical analysis
    3.4 Results
        3.4.1 Leaf gas exchange, photosynthetic rate and leaf area of 4t h leaf
        3.4.2 Leaf gas exchange, photosynthetic rate, leaf area and leaf area index at whole plant
        3.4.3 Regression analysis of leaf gas exchange, photosynthetic rate and seed cotton yield
        3.4.4 Relative water contents (%) and chlorophyll contents
        3.4.5 Photosynthetic rate, intercellular CO_2, and water use efficiency at different growth stages
    3.5 Discussion
    3.6 Conclusion
Chapter 4: Effect of nitrogen rate and planting density on cotton yield performance in Punjab Pakistan
    4.1 Introduction
    4.2 Materials and Methods
        4.2.1 Description of experimental site
        4.2.2 Experimental design
    4.3 Sampling and measurement
        4.3.1 Cotton growth
        4.3.2 Cotton biomass
        4.3.3 Cotton yield and yield attribute
        4.3.4 Cotton fiber quality
        4.3.5 Cotton plant total nitrogen determination
        4.3.6 Chlorophyll contents
        4.3.7 Statistical analysis
    4.4 Results
        4.4.1 Cotton phenolo gy
        4.4.2 Cotton growth characteristics
        4.4.3 Cotton yield and related traits
        4.4.4 Cotton fiber quality and related traits
        4.4.5 Cotton total nitrogen contents
        4.4.6 Cotton chlorophyll contents
    4.5 Discussion
    4.6 Conclusion
Chapter 5: Discussion and conclusion
    5.1 Discussion
        5.1.1 Cotton yield and its formation
        5.1.2 Cotton yield and its phenology
        5.1.3 Cotton yield and nutrients assimilation
        5.1.4 Cotton yield, photosynthesis and leaf gas exchanges
        5.1.5 Cotton planting in comparison between China and Pakistan
    5.2 Conclusion
        5.2.1 Cotton yield and its formation
        5.2.2 Cotton nutrients utilization
        5.2.3 Cotton photosynthesis
        5.2.4 Comparison between China and Pakistan
    5.3 Future perspectives

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