Effects of nitrogen application rates and irrigation regimes
发布时间:2022-02-10 03:31
Faced with the scarcity of water resources and irrational fertilizer use, it is critical to supply plants with water and fertilizer in a coordinated pattern to improve yield with high water use efficiency(WUE). One such method, alternate partial root-zone irrigation(APRI), has been practiced worldwide, but there is limited information on the performance of different irrigation regimes and nitrogen(N) rates under APRI. The objectives of this study were to investigate the effects of varying irriga...
【文章来源】:Journal of Integrative Agriculture. 2020,19(11)SCICSCD
【文章页数】:15 页
1. Introduction
2. Materials and methods
2.1. Experimental site
2.2. Crop management
2.3. Experimental design
2.4. Data collection
2.5. Statistical analysis
3. Results
3.1. Shoot growth
3.2. Grain yield and its components
3.3. Biomass accumulation
3.4. HI
3.5. Chlorophyll SPAD value
3.6. Pn
3.7.Water uptake and use by maize
3.8. Correlation analysis of biomass,grain yield,CGR,chlorophyll SPAD value,Pn,the maximum LAIand WUE
4. Discussion
4.1. Effect of different irrigation and N managements on shoot growth,biomass,HI and grain yield
4.2. Effect of different irrigation and N managements on the ET and WUE
5. Conclusion
[1]灌水时间和灌水比例对单套作玉米产量及水分利用效率的影响[J]. 彭霄,蒲甜,杨峰,杨文钰,王小春. 中国农业科学. 2019(21)
[2]不同降水状况下旱地玉米生长与产量对施氮量的响应[J]. 宁芳,张元红,温鹏飞,王瑞,王倩,董朝阳,贾广灿,李军. 作物学报. 2019(05)
[3]Responses of water productivity to irrigation and N supply for hybrid maize seed production in an arid region of Northwest China[J]. RAN Hui,KANG Shaozhong,LI Fusheng,DU Taisheng,DING Risheng,LI Sien,TONG Ling. Journal of Arid Land. 2017(04)
[4]干旱胁迫对小麦营养器官物质转运和籽粒灌浆特性的影响[J]. 宋霄君,张敏,李秉昌,赵城,刘希伟,贾晓沛,王琨,蔡瑞国. 中国农学通报. 2016(15)
[5]施氮与灌水对夏玉米产量和水氮利用的影响[J]. 谢英荷,栗丽,洪坚平,王宏庭,张璐. 植物营养与肥料学报. 2012(06)
[6]施氮量和灌溉方式的交互作用对水稻产量和品质影响[J]. 张自常,李鸿伟,曹转勤,王志琴,杨建昌. 作物学报. 2013(01)
[7]灌溉模式与施氮量对水稻需水规律及产量的影响[J]. 肖新,朱伟,杨露露,邓艳萍,黄璐,赵言文,汪建飞. 南京农业大学学报. 2012(04)
[8]超高产栽培下氮肥运筹对春玉米干物质积累及转运的影响[J]. 张瑞富,杨恒山,毕文波,杨升辉,刘晶,高强. 作物杂志. 2011(01)
[9]水氮配合对绿洲沙地农田玉米产量、土壤硝态氮和氮平衡的影响[J]. 杨荣,苏永中. 生态学报. 2009(03)
[10]两种施肥水平下根区局部灌溉对甜玉米水分利用的效应[J]. 黄春燕,李伏生,覃秋兰,黄翠珍,罗兰芬,农梦玲. 节水灌溉. 2004(06)
【文章来源】:Journal of Integrative Agriculture. 2020,19(11)SCICSCD
【文章页数】:15 页
1. Introduction
2. Materials and methods
2.1. Experimental site
2.2. Crop management
2.3. Experimental design
2.4. Data collection
2.5. Statistical analysis
3. Results
3.1. Shoot growth
3.2. Grain yield and its components
3.3. Biomass accumulation
3.4. HI
3.5. Chlorophyll SPAD value
3.6. Pn
3.7.Water uptake and use by maize
3.8. Correlation analysis of biomass,grain yield,CGR,chlorophyll SPAD value,Pn,the maximum LAIand WUE
4. Discussion
4.1. Effect of different irrigation and N managements on shoot growth,biomass,HI and grain yield
4.2. Effect of different irrigation and N managements on the ET and WUE
5. Conclusion
[1]灌水时间和灌水比例对单套作玉米产量及水分利用效率的影响[J]. 彭霄,蒲甜,杨峰,杨文钰,王小春. 中国农业科学. 2019(21)
[2]不同降水状况下旱地玉米生长与产量对施氮量的响应[J]. 宁芳,张元红,温鹏飞,王瑞,王倩,董朝阳,贾广灿,李军. 作物学报. 2019(05)
[3]Responses of water productivity to irrigation and N supply for hybrid maize seed production in an arid region of Northwest China[J]. RAN Hui,KANG Shaozhong,LI Fusheng,DU Taisheng,DING Risheng,LI Sien,TONG Ling. Journal of Arid Land. 2017(04)
[4]干旱胁迫对小麦营养器官物质转运和籽粒灌浆特性的影响[J]. 宋霄君,张敏,李秉昌,赵城,刘希伟,贾晓沛,王琨,蔡瑞国. 中国农学通报. 2016(15)
[5]施氮与灌水对夏玉米产量和水氮利用的影响[J]. 谢英荷,栗丽,洪坚平,王宏庭,张璐. 植物营养与肥料学报. 2012(06)
[6]施氮量和灌溉方式的交互作用对水稻产量和品质影响[J]. 张自常,李鸿伟,曹转勤,王志琴,杨建昌. 作物学报. 2013(01)
[7]灌溉模式与施氮量对水稻需水规律及产量的影响[J]. 肖新,朱伟,杨露露,邓艳萍,黄璐,赵言文,汪建飞. 南京农业大学学报. 2012(04)
[8]超高产栽培下氮肥运筹对春玉米干物质积累及转运的影响[J]. 张瑞富,杨恒山,毕文波,杨升辉,刘晶,高强. 作物杂志. 2011(01)
[9]水氮配合对绿洲沙地农田玉米产量、土壤硝态氮和氮平衡的影响[J]. 杨荣,苏永中. 生态学报. 2009(03)
[10]两种施肥水平下根区局部灌溉对甜玉米水分利用的效应[J]. 黄春燕,李伏生,覃秋兰,黄翠珍,罗兰芬,农梦玲. 节水灌溉. 2004(06)