发布时间:2021-04-02 19:50
为探明麦麸作为青岛大扁藻唯一营养来源的可行性,研究了不同麦麸浓度和添加方式对青岛大扁藻生长的影响。结果表明当麦麸浓度为0.5~4 g/L时,藻细胞密度随着直接添加麦麸浓度的增加而增加。浓度为8g/L时藻受到完全抑制;浓度为4g/L时前10天藻生长受到抑制,但十天后增长迅速。相同浓度下,麦麸装在茶包或筛绢包中比直接添加效果更好,且藻没有生长停滞期;筛绢包的效果略好于茶包。在麦麸浓度为4 g/L的条件下,添加好氧预处理麦麸液比茶包麦麸中的藻快速生长期提前6天,但最终二者细胞密度无显著差异。从细胞生长力来看,实验期间1 g/L麦麸与f/2培养基效果接近。麦麸作为唯一营养源来培养青岛大扁藻是可行的。
【文章来源】:Agricultural Science & Technology. 2020,21(03)
【文章页数】:10 页
1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Experimental materials
2.2. Experimental design
2.2.1. Growth of P.helgolandica var.tsingtaoensis in different concentrations of wheat bran
2.2.2. Comparison of the algal growth in the wheatbran medium and in the f/2 medium
2.2.3. Effects of packed and loose wheat bran on the growth of P.helgolandica var.Tsingtaoensis
2.2.4. Effects of the numbers of teabags for the packed wheat bran
2.2.5. Effects of pretreated wheat bran on the algal growth
2.3. Statistical analysis
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Effects of wheat bran concentrations on the growth of P.helgolandica var.tsingtaoensis
3.2. Effects of wheat bran usage on the growth of P.helgolandica var.tsingtaoensis
3.3. Effects of aerobic pretreated wheat bran on the growth of P.helgolandica var.tsingtaoensis
4. Conclusion
[1]微藻资源综合开发与利用研究进展[J]. 赵震宇,刘平怀,王盛林,牛晴. 食品工业. 2017(11)
[2]温度光照盐度对小球藻诱变株虾青素积累的调控[J]. 李翠芬,曾结林,尹爱国. 甘肃科学学报. 2015(04)
[3]不同培养容器和光照对2种微藻生长的影响[J]. 蔡卓平,李燕璇,段舜山,朱红惠. 广东药学院学报. 2014(05)
[4]小麦麸皮营养成分和综合利用[J]. 包成龙,许晓燕,刘博文. 粮食与油脂. 2014(08)
[5]营养盐对小球藻生长及胞内蛋白质含量的影响[J]. 于媛,刘艳,杨海波,张欣华,李英敏,吕福荣,林芃. 大连大学学报. 2002(06)
【文章来源】:Agricultural Science & Technology. 2020,21(03)
【文章页数】:10 页
1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Experimental materials
2.2. Experimental design
2.2.1. Growth of P.helgolandica var.tsingtaoensis in different concentrations of wheat bran
2.2.2. Comparison of the algal growth in the wheatbran medium and in the f/2 medium
2.2.3. Effects of packed and loose wheat bran on the growth of P.helgolandica var.Tsingtaoensis
2.2.4. Effects of the numbers of teabags for the packed wheat bran
2.2.5. Effects of pretreated wheat bran on the algal growth
2.3. Statistical analysis
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Effects of wheat bran concentrations on the growth of P.helgolandica var.tsingtaoensis
3.2. Effects of wheat bran usage on the growth of P.helgolandica var.tsingtaoensis
3.3. Effects of aerobic pretreated wheat bran on the growth of P.helgolandica var.tsingtaoensis
4. Conclusion
[1]微藻资源综合开发与利用研究进展[J]. 赵震宇,刘平怀,王盛林,牛晴. 食品工业. 2017(11)
[2]温度光照盐度对小球藻诱变株虾青素积累的调控[J]. 李翠芬,曾结林,尹爱国. 甘肃科学学报. 2015(04)
[3]不同培养容器和光照对2种微藻生长的影响[J]. 蔡卓平,李燕璇,段舜山,朱红惠. 广东药学院学报. 2014(05)
[4]小麦麸皮营养成分和综合利用[J]. 包成龙,许晓燕,刘博文. 粮食与油脂. 2014(08)
[5]营养盐对小球藻生长及胞内蛋白质含量的影响[J]. 于媛,刘艳,杨海波,张欣华,李英敏,吕福荣,林芃. 大连大学学报. 2002(06)