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发布时间:2021-10-11 19:57


【文章页数】:91 页


Chapter 1 Review of the literature
    1.1 Overview of seabuckthorn
        1.1.1 Introduction of seabuckthorn
        1.1.2 Research progress on seabuckthorn
    1.2 Obesity
        1.2.1 Obesity definition
        1.2.2 The formation and harm of obesity
        1.2.3 The Prevention and treatment measures on obesity
    1.3 Gut microbiota
        1.3.1 Composition and diversity of gut microbiota
        1.3.2 Influence factors the diversity on gut microbiota
        1.3.3 Research status of the relationship between gut microbiota and obesity
        1.3.4 The main metabolite of the gut microbiota-short-chain fatty acids
    1.4 Research contents
        1.4.1 Research background and significance
        1.4.2 Main contents of the research
Chapter 2 Effects of seabuckthorn freeze-dried powder protect against obesity inhigh-fat diet-induced mice
    2.1 Introduction
    2.2 Materials and Instruments
        2.2.1 Materials
        2.2.2 Instruments
    2.3 Methods
        2.3.1 Animals experimental design and dietary treatment
        2.3.2 Collection and preparation of samples
        2.3.3 Basic indicators measured
        2.3.4 Serum and hepatic lipids analysis
        2.3.5 Histopathology analysis of liver and adipose tissues
        2.3.6 Statistical analysis
    2.4 Results
        2.4.1 Effects of SFP on body weight and Lee's index in high-fat diet-inducedmice
        2.4.2 Effects of SFP on food intake and energy intake in high-fat diet-inducedmice
        2.4.3 Effects of SFP on food efficiency ratio and energy efficiency ratio inhigh-fat diet-induced mice
        2.4.4 Effects of SFP on the white adipose tissue weight and index in high-fatdiet-induced mice
        2.4.5 Effects of SFP on the liver weight and liver index in high-fat diet-inducedmice
        2.4.6 Effects of SFP on serum lipids in high-fat diet-induced mice
        2.4.7 Effects of SFP on hepatic TC and TG in high-fat diet-induced mice
        2.4.8 Pathological alterations of adipose tissue
        2.4.9 Pathological alterations of liver
    2.5 Chapter Summary
Chapter 3 Effects of seabuckthorn freeze-dried powder on lipids metabolism relatedmechanisms in high-fat diet-induced mice
    3.1 Introduction
    3.2 Materials and Instrument
        3.2.1 Materials
        3.2.2 Instruments
    3.3 Methods
        3.3.1 Animals experimental design and dietary treatment
        3.3.2 Collection and preparation of samples
        3.3.3 Extraction of the total RNA
        3.3.4 Reverse transcription
        3.3.5 Real-time quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR)
        3.3.6 Statistical analysis
    3.4 Results
        3.4.1 Effects of SFP on the mRNA expression levels of genes related to fataccumulation,synthesis,and decompostion of epididymal adipose tissue inhigh-fat dict-induced mice
   Effect of SFP on the PPARγ gene expression in epididymal adiposetissue
   Effect of SFP on the FAS gene expression in epididymal adiposetissue
   Effect of SFP on the ACC gene expression in epididymal adiposetissue
   Effect of SFP on the HSL gene expression in epididymal adiposetissue
   Effect of SFP on the C/EBP-α gene expression in epididymal adiposetissue
   Effect of SFP on the SCD1 gene expression in epididymal adiposetissue
        3.4.2 Effects of SFP on the mRNA expression levels of genes related to lipidsynthesis and oxidation of hepatic tissue in high-fat diet-induced mice
   Effect of SFP on the SREBP-1c gene expression in hepatic tissue
   Effect of SFP on the PPAR-γ gene expression in hepatic tissue
   Effect of SFP on the FAS gene expression in hepatic tissue
   Effect of SFP on the ACC gene expression in hepatic tissue
   Effect of SFP on the PPAR-α gene expression in hepatic tissue
   Effect of SFP on the CPT-1 gene expression in hepatic tissue
   Effect of SFP on the ACOX gene expression in hepatic tissue
    3.5 Chapter Summary
Chapter 4 Effects of SFP on Gut Microbiota and Short-chain Fatty Acids in high-fatdiet-induced mice
    4.1 Introduction
    4.2 Materials and Instrument
        4.2.1 Materials
        4.2.2 Instruments
    4.3 Methods
        4.3.1 Animals experimental design and dietary treatment
        4.3.2 Collection and preparation of fecal samples
        4.3.3 Gut microbiota analysis by 16S rRNA gene sequencing
   Extraction of the fecal total DNA
   PCR amplification
   Target region PCR product purification
   Computer sequencing and sequencing data processing
        4.3.4 Gut metabolites analysis by Gas Chromatography(GC)
        4.3.5 Statistical analysis
    4.4 Results
        4.4.1 Effect of SFP on gut microbiota in high-fat diet-induced mice at phylumlevel
        4.4.2 Effect of SFP on gut microbiota in high-fat diet-induced mice at familylevel
        4.4.3 Effect of SFP on gut microbiota in high-fat diet-induced mice at genus level
        4.4.4 Effect of SFP on Gut Metabolites in high-fat diet-induced mice
        4.4.5 Correlation analysis
    4.5 Chapter Summary
Chapter 5 Conclusion and future work
    5.1 Conclusions
    5.2 Future work

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