本文关键词:S公司ERP项目实施案例的研究 出处:《云南财经大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Resource-dependent enterprise in this paper is the most traditional chemical manufacturing industry, production organization process extensive, the production and operation process of customer demand for product quality, supplier supply quality. Product inspection report, product quality statistics and other data are collected, there are statistics, but the lack of analysis of the data, data analysis results are rarely used in production organizations, to improve the efficiency of management. The purpose of precision production operation. This paper starts with the production and operation management status of S Company, analyzes the existing problems and shortcomings of the information system, and from the internal supply, production, sales, people, property, material management. Combing, optimizing and standardizing all kinds of business processes and models in order to improve the internal business synergy and management efficiency as the goal, through analysis and research, the following conclusions are drawn: first. In order to improve the management efficiency of manufacturing enterprises similar to S company, the main problems of informatization such as the operation standard and standard, the integration of financial services, the platform of decision analysis and so on need to be solved. Second. Based on process management, supply chain management requirements, as well as ERP information platform management ideas and core characteristics, analyzed and studied. It is suggested to set up a ERP information centralized platform to meet the needs of rapid development and accurate decision-making of the company as a solution to improve the internal business synergy and management efficiency. Third. The implementation of the ERP project is a strategic measure for the development of the enterprise. It is the fundamental change of the enterprise management and the change of the management concept. It is the reorganization and optimization of enterprise process. When implementing ERP system, the overall strategy of enterprise must be fully considered, and the process and enterprise development goal should be avoided. The business process optimization and reengineering should be carried out through the opportunity of implementing ERP system, so as to bring the whole organization closer to the modern enterprise system. And a comprehensive review of other aspects of the enterprise capabilities. 4th, management team participation directly affect the success or failure of the ERP system. When implementing the ERP system. Managers, especially the highest decision makers, are the leaders and main participants in the implementation work. The top decision makers of enterprises should have a deep understanding of the ERP system and have an objective understanding of the problems existing in the enterprise. The expectation of the new system should be clearly described, and the change of management should be reasonably expected. Based on the above conclusions, it is suggested to establish a centralized information platform to meet the needs of rapid development and accurate decision-making of the company. After a comprehensive analysis of four core business and solutions that affect the efficiency of management, taking the production and operation management as an example, this paper expounds the role of ERP core information platform at the company level. While improving the management efficiency of S Company, it is of great theoretical significance for the domestic phosphate compound fertilizer enterprises to improve the production control level, reduce the production cost and adapt to the change of market demand.
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