本文关键词:广东乐善机械有限公司精益生产研究 出处:《华南理工大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 精益生产 生产效率 生产成本 供应链管理 绩效薪酬管理 扁平管理
[Abstract]:Lean production as a modern production management. After many years of perfection, it has developed into a set of scientific and reasonable production management system. It has always been the double attention of the theorists and the business circles. Nowadays, the manufacturing enterprises are still the enterprises of our country. One of the most important components of. In order to improve the competitiveness of enterprises, it plays an irreplaceable role in promoting the development of national economy. Lean production is a suitable choice. This paper takes the actual case of Guangdong Leshan Machinery Co., Ltd to carry out lean production project as the research object. Comprehensive analysis of lean production management in manufacturing enterprises in the specific application, according to China's national conditions and the actual situation of enterprises. In the application of lean production management mode to add "lean production pay" scheme to cooperate with the reform. Firstly, this paper reviews the relevant theories of lean production, and makes a brief introduction to the content and research methods of the article; Then it describes the basic situation and development history of the company, analyzes the production situation of the company before the reform and finds out the problems, analyzes the reasons. Based on these problems, through the comparative analysis of the macro industry environment. The company is aware of the necessity and urgency of implementing lean production reform, then, the article details the implementation of lean production process and content. Finally, it analyzes the effect of lean production and draws a conclusion. Through the in-depth study and study of the lean production practice of Toyota Corporation of Japan, we can learn from the experience of other benchmarking enterprises. Combined with the actual situation of Leshan machinery, the company mainly from flat management mode, pull production change, fast switching, information management. Pay performance management of these five aspects of the overall implementation of lean production reform. The company from the production line, from the point of view of the whole daily operation of the company to analyze the problems, to find out the reasons and formulate a step-by-step reform plan. Make all production plans according to production schedule, propose improvement measures, and follow up to check the effect of reform, correct deviation in time, ensure the smooth implementation of lean production. The effect of lean production is significant. The company's production rate from the original 46% to the current 91s, production costs have been reduced by 7, the employees' wages are up to 16% increases. The employee turnover rate of the company is kept within 3%. At present, lean production has entered the norm, and the relevant departments of Leshan machinery have fully mastered the analytical tools of lean production. Departments and employees can make rationalization suggestions to the company through "proposal". The company has been able to process information accurately and timely to ensure the smooth completion of various projects. Although the entire market environment this year is poor, but Leshan Machinery still achieved about 10% growth. Lean will continue to explore how to consolidate the effect of lean production and promote lean production to a higher level.
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