本文关键词: 设备管理 检测设备管理 信息技术 信息化管理 出处:《大连理工大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Dalian Locomotive and Rolling Stock Co., Ltd. is a large state-owned locomotive and equipment manufacturing enterprise with a history of one hundred years. The traditional management mode of the company can not fully meet the needs of the market development and the development of the enterprise. The company is in the crucial period of the fusion and transformation of the century-old tradition and the new-born mode. As an important group of the enterprise management, the company is in the process of the development of the enterprise. In part. With the development of society, information technology has been widely used in various fields of modern society. And is playing a more and more important role. How to apply information technology to the management of company testing equipment. How to make the information technology, which has been applied to the management of inspection equipment, better serve for the management of inspection equipment, so as to simplify the management steps, optimize the management procedures, and improve the management efficiency. Through the study of the equipment management literature, combined with the Dalian Locomotive and Rolling Stock Co., Ltd. testing equipment management of the actual situation. To find out the problems in the management of the company's testing equipment, and through quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis methods to analyze and study. This paper mainly studies and analyzes the following aspects in the whole cycle management of testing equipment: project investment management ERP management, accounting management, numbering management. In order to improve the efficiency and level of management, file management, operation process management, closure and scrapping management, and through process reengineering, information technology, etc., the management mode of the existing inspection equipment of the company is improved, so as to improve the management efficiency and management level.
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