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发布时间:2018-02-04 14:27

  本文关键词: 利益相关者 合作博弈 送变电 案例研究 出处:《浙江工业大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:The project and project management have been gradually out of the constraints of time and space, beyond the organizational boundaries. More and more projects need different enterprise cooperation to complete. Cooperative project has become an inevitable trend. Stakeholders in the project hold the key resources of the project. The game and cooperative game between them are the key to the success or failure of the project and the construction of long-term cooperative relationship, as the pillar industry of the national economy. The electric power industry plays an important role in the national economy and the people's livelihood. With the rapid development of our economy, the demand for electricity is increasing rapidly, and the power transmission and transformation projects are also increasing year by year. With the development of China's economic system and electric power system reform, the conflicts between the stakeholders of power transmission and transformation projects are becoming increasingly prominent. More and more domestic scholars begin to apply stakeholder theory and game theory to the research of project management. This paper analyzes the cooperative game of power transmission project stakeholders. Combined with a case study, this paper tries to build a cooperative game mechanism for power transmission project stakeholders and improve the efficiency of the project cooperation. To provide some theoretical and practical support. Firstly, this paper describes the background, content, methods and ideas of the study, and secondly to stakeholders. This paper reviews and analyzes the relevant research documents of project stakeholders and cooperative game, and analyzes the cooperative game of power transmission project stakeholders. Then, the case study is carried out on this basis. Finally, the main conclusions of the research are summarized, and the possible research directions in the related fields in the future are prospected.


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