本文关键词: 东建集团 薪酬激励机制 层次分析法 出处:《辽宁科技大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:With the adjustment of industrial concentration of construction enterprises by the government, the project scale of construction enterprises is becoming large, the construction technology is complicated, and the industrial division of labor is becoming more and more obvious, which requires the construction enterprises to improve the management level objectively. In order to cope with unpredictable changes in the industry. So how to improve the level of management, improve the level of technology, The developed countries in the construction industry in the world have given a concrete answer-relying on talents. The basic situation of the construction workers in our country is that most of the construction workers come from rural areas, have a low level of education, and lack professional building skills training. At the same time, there is a serious shortage of complex talents who master management knowledge and construction technology. In order to solve the problem of "talent shortage" quickly, the author thinks that we can attract and retain talents by establishing a set of salary incentive mechanism in line with the actual situation of enterprises. This paper, guided by salary incentive theory, makes comprehensive use of the methods of investigation, comparative analysis and systematic analysis to analyze the salary management of Anshan Dongjian Group. It is found that the salary structure is unreasonable and the compensation is not competitive. Secondly, from three aspects of basic salary, performance compensation and welfare compensation, it is found that the compensation structure is not reasonable and the compensation is not competitive. The paper optimizes and designs the compensation incentive mechanism of the management staff of Dongjian Group, and finally verifies the effect of the salary incentive mechanism of the East Construction Group by using the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process. This paper predicts the possible resistance of compensation incentive mechanism and puts forward the corresponding safeguard measures. The innovation of this paper is to combine the actual situation of compensation management in Dongjian Group. This is the first time to design a compensation incentive mechanism for managers in construction enterprises. At the same time, the method of combining hierarchical analysis and fuzzy analysis is used. This paper evaluates the effect of executive compensation incentive mechanism of Dongjian Group, which is the first application of Fuzzy Analytic hierarchy process (AHP) in the effect evaluation of executive compensation incentive mechanism.
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