本文选题:创业型中小企业 切入点:高科技 出处:《华中科技大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Wuhan Yixin Video Technology Co., Ltd (hereinafter referred to as EMC) was established in 2010. It is a pioneering high-tech enterprise specializing in the research and production of uncooled infrared detectors and mechanical components. The company has advanced technology, but on a small scale, it has not yet completely solved the problems of market development and profitability. With limited funds, how can it surpass its competitors and continue to grow, The purpose of this paper is to accurately position the company, clarify its strategic mission and objectives, and formulate a scientific development strategy. This paper, based on the theory of resource base and core competence, makes a detailed analysis of the current national policy, military infrared industry, market competition and so on. At the same time, the resources and capabilities of the company are combed, and the strategic management ability, technical capability and production capacity of the enterprise are systematically studied. This paper analyzes the core competence deeply, synthesizes the advantages and disadvantages of the company. SWOT matrix analysis is used. This paper concludes that the company should adopt the strategy of "growth strategy as the main, twisting strategy as a supplement." through further in-depth scientific and technological innovation, the paper concludes that the company should adopt the strategy of "growth strategy" and "twisting strategy" as a supplement. Give full play to the technical advantages of infrared detectors, avoid homogenization competition, strive for the leading position of the industry with advanced and reliable products, strengthen enterprise management, lay a good foundation in personnel training, production operation and product quality management; Increase marketing expansion, actively seek new market opportunities, solve the problem of capital flow through product sales, introduce new investment and financing in keeping the control of the company, speed up the development of enterprises, and adopt a series of implementation measures, As soon as possible to achieve balance of payments, six years later in the domestic military and civilian market to gain a leading position, 60 million yuan in profit.
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