[Abstract]:Pharmaceutical industry is related to the satisfaction of people's health needs, and the agglomeration and re-integration of industrial space has become an important economic phenomenon in the world. How to seize the opportunity in the process of new international division of labor is of great importance to the future economic development of a country or region. Firstly, this paper reviews the related research on the formation and evolution of the spatial structure of Chinese pharmaceutical manufacturing industry. There are two main theories explaining the spatial distribution and changes of industries. One is the neoclassical trade theory, which is based on the comparative advantage theory. The theory holds that the industrial location choice is based on the comparative advantage theory. It is determined by exogenous variables such as geographical location and technological endowment; another is a new economic geography based on the theory of increasing returns and incomplete competition. The theory holds that industrial location is endogenous, and industrial transfer occurs through centripetal force and centrifugal force. On the premise of the stability of the overall core-edge structure, the core position of the sea area is constantly strengthened, the central region is gradually formed, and the southwest region is gradually weakened. In the fifth chapter, we use the econometric model to test the influence of technology on the spatial structure transfer of pharmaceutical manufacturing industry. The empirical results show that the flow of technology will promote the migration of pharmaceutical manufacturing industry, and other factors that may affect the migration of pharmaceutical manufacturing industry are also analyzed. Finally, this paper gives two suggestions to promote the rational development of industrial structure from the perspective of influencing factors of industrial agglomeration. Relevant supporting policies and systems promote the rational distribution of industries across regions.
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