[Abstract]:Nowadays, knowledge economy has gradually become the topic of global attention, and the strategy of talent power has become one of the important strategies of our country's development. It is very important for the construction enterprises to develop continuously, win the industry market, maintain the lasting management vigor and inject the new idea of human resource management. However, the senior leaders of Chinese construction enterprises generally pay less attention to the human resources departments, and lack the assessment and assessment of the human resources departments, which is the window for enterprises to introduce talents. Human resources departments should pay more attention to the improvement of performance than other departments. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the performance appraisal of human resources departments in construction enterprises to further improve and improve the performance of human resources management departments, and to promote the performance of various groups of enterprises and individual performance of employees. And ultimately promote the overall performance of enterprises. This paper summarizes the three functions of human resource management department by literature analysis: basic work, daily work and strategic work. Based on different management modules, this paper further refines these three functions. At the same time, through the methods of literature analysis and questionnaire survey, the universal performance evaluation index of human resources department is obtained. Finally, the paper uses AHP to assign the weight of each index, and uses the statistical analysis method to deal with the relevant data scientifically, and finally obtains the weight of each index. Finally, according to the function classification of human resources department, this paper constructs a performance appraisal system composed of 29 indicators. Among them, the proportion of basic work is 13%, the proportion of daily work is 50.5%, and the proportion of strategic work is 36.5%. Taking F Construction Group as an example, this paper analyzes the problems in the performance appraisal of human resources departments in large private construction enterprises, and puts forward a complete performance appraisal system of human resources departments in combination with scientific analysis.
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