[Abstract]:Since the construction of the "three sets and five major" system, the division of labor of each specialty management is clear, the effect of intensive management and control is obvious, especially after the material resources intensive development, the purchasing efficiency of material resources and the cost of supply are obviously reduced. But the measurement of effectiveness depends not only on the results achieved in a single way, but also on the overall effectiveness of the company as a whole. After a wide understanding of the current situation of company management and consulting relevant information, it is found that under the existing management mode, the work effectiveness of this profession is often evaluated by professional means, and there is a lack of a set of monitoring and evaluation mechanism from the perspective of a third party, which is effective to the enterprise as a whole. Synergy, lean management lack of scientific control. There is an urgent need to establish a set of monitoring and management methods based on the third party perspective.
【作者单位】: 国网湖州供电公司;
中国重要会议论文全文数据库 前3条
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