[Abstract]:With the rapid development of science and technology, the automobile industry develops more rapidly in heavy industry, and China plays an important role in automobile manufacturing. The rapid development of China's automobile industry can not be separated from the suppliers in each automobile manufacturing industry chain. The increasing demand makes the competition of auto parts suppliers more and more fierce. Want to gain advantage in fierce competition, product quality is core competence. The use of APQP product quality planning, also become a necessary tool in product development stage. Because of the enforcement of TS16949 standard in automobile industry, TS standard is popularized gradually in our country, and the product quality planning APQP (Advanced Product Quality Planning) is gradually adopted by automobile industry suppliers. The basic purpose of APQP is to meet the needs of products. A project or contract provides for the identification and development of a structured process to ensure the satisfaction of a customer with the production of a specific product or series of products, before a new product is put into service, to provide a product or service that is satisfactory to the customer. This paper takes a M product development planning process of S Company as the research object, M product is a world class main engine factory automobile exterior decoration product. Using APQP tools and FMEA potential failure mode analysis to control the product design and development phase, combining with the MSA measurement system analysis method to control the stability of the measurement system, and using SPC to control the process capability of the product manufacturing process. Combined with PPAP production parts approval procedures and other tools and analytical methods in quality management. Control the process of product design and development-experiment-trial production-delivery. In order to reduce the cost of production and improve the final goal of product quality.
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