[Abstract]:Thanks to the dual promotion of market demand and industrial policy, relay protection manufacturing industry, as a supporting industry, has gradually realized leap-forward development. However, due to the impact of economic globalization and market economy, the competition among relay protection manufacturing enterprises is no longer confined to the pure price competition, but includes the comprehensive competition of all factors, such as product quality, inventory and time of demand reflection. At present, Sifang Company has formed its own characteristics, but the tight relationship between supply and demand and rapid technological changes make it face the bottleneck of development, which restricts the process of its leap-forward development, so it is urgent to improve the competitive strength of enterprises. The competitive strength of the company is not only the comprehensive performance of the external market, but also the internal support, the most intuitive and effective is the competition of the field management activities. As an important carrier to cultivate the competitive strength of Sifang Company, the level of on-site management is based on the defects of the field management of the enterprise, the core role of which is increasingly prominent under the condition of "need" and "promise". The concept of on-site management has raised the enterprise management activities to a new level. Therefore, it is necessary to coordinate the on-site management activities to enhance the competitiveness of enterprises, both in terms of industrial development and enterprises' own characteristics. This paper comprehensively evaluates the application effect of 6S management in Sifang Company, and probes into the value significance of 6S Management in enhancing the competitive strength of enterprises. First of all, the development course of 6S management theory, the relationship between various elements and the relevant basic theories, such as implementing tools, are expounded, which pave the way for the subsequent analysis and research. Secondly, the present situation of site management of Sifang Company is expounded from the aspects of staff, equipment, system and regulations through the method of fishbone thorn analysis, and then the problems and their causes are explored by combining qualitative research with quantitative analysis. Thirdly, the necessity of implementing 6S management in Sifang Company is discussed from four aspects: advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and threats by using SWOT analysis. Then, according to the relevant principles, the overall implementation plan and the specific implementation plan are designed for the site management activities of Sifang Company. Finally, the comprehensive evaluation index system of 6S management application effect of Sifang Company is constructed in order to realize more scientific and accurate analysis and evaluation, and then the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model based on AHP is applied to the evaluation research. By analyzing the loopholes in the current 6S management elements and the promotion space, this paper provides the countermeasures for the future improvement of the site management level of Sifang Company. The research in this paper not only enriches the relevant theories of 6S management, but also provides decision reference for managers and investors.
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