[Abstract]:As one of the important livelihood industries in China, the energy consumption of textile and garment industry is the first in light industry. It is of great significance to estimate the carbon emissions of textile and clothing industry and analyze the influencing factors. Based on the estimation of carbon emissions from textile and clothing industry, the relationship between carbon emissions and energy consumption in textile and clothing industry is analyzed. Based on the construction model of Tapio decoupling index, the decoupling relationship between carbon emissions from textile and clothing industry and industry GDP is analyzed in detail. The results of the measurement analysis show that the carbon emissions of the textile and clothing industry in China are increasing year by year, the carbon emissions of the textile industry account for a large proportion compared with the textile clothing, shoes and hats manufacturing industry, and the textile and clothing industry in China has the demand of energy saving and emission reduction. At the same time, there is a weak decoupling relationship between carbon emissions from textile and clothing industry and industry GDP, which has the potential to reduce carbon emissions by improving energy efficiency.
【作者单位】: 北京服装学院商学院;
【基金】:北京市教委2016年社科计划重点项目“城市垃圾减量视角下废旧纺织品回收及再利用体系研究” 2016年度北京市属高校创新能力提升计划项目(PXM2016_014216_000022)
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