[Abstract]:As a strategic emerging industry, the high-end equipment manufacturing industry plays a vital role in the economic development of the whole country. Because of its characteristics of high technology and high added value, many scholars and enterprises have realized the key role of technological innovation in promoting the development of equipment manufacturing industry, so they are the implementers of innovation activities. It is of great significance to improve the performance of the enterprise with the overall quality and ability of innovation team and reasonable allocation. This paper attempts to construct the competency model of the innovation team from the perspective of the influencing factors of the technological innovation power of the high-end equipment manufacturing industry, and on this basis introduce the psychological contract as the regulating variable. To analyze the relationship between innovation team competency and performance. First of all, this paper summarizes the research status of high-end equipment, innovation team competency, performance and psychological contract at home and abroad. Secondly, according to the theory of dynamic mechanism of technological innovation, the paper preliminarily designs the measurement index of innovation team's competency, selects representative equipment manufacturing enterprises to carry on the questionnaire survey, carries on the exploratory and the confirmatory factor analysis to the result. Get the high-end equipment manufacturing industry innovation team competency model. And according to the relevant theoretical basis, the research hypothesis of this paper is put forward. Then, the relationship between competency and performance of innovation team is analyzed empirically. Select high-end equipment manufacturing industry in Hebei province to carry out questionnaire survey. AMOS17.0, is used to analyze the relationship between innovation team competence and enterprise performance to verify whether the hypothesis is true or not. Using SPSS17.0, regression analysis to verify whether the psychological contract plays a regulatory role in the relationship between the two. Finally, according to the verification results, the management countermeasures are put forward to improve the competence level of the innovation team. Through the establishment of human resource management system based on competency model, the competence of innovative team members is continuously enhanced, and the goal of improving performance level is finally realized.
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