[Abstract]:Since entering the new century, developed countries have implemented the national strategy and plan to accelerate the development of high-end manufacturing industry, boost the real economy and strengthen the national competitive advantage. Emerging developing countries have also accelerated the implementation of manufacturing development planning and strategy to take advantage of factor cost to occupy the low-end manufacturing market. In order to cope with the new situation of manufacturing competition at home and abroad, to promote the transformation and upgrading of manufacturing industry, and to seize the commanding point of manufacturing competition, China has put forward the "made in China 2025" strategy. In the future, the deep challenges facing the development of China's manufacturing industry not only require China to fully learn the universal system and common innovation practice in the industrialization process of developed countries, but also require China to take science and technology as a guarantee. From its own unique industrial basis, human resources, market demand and other aspects, to build and continuously enhance its unique manufacturing core capabilities.
【作者单位】: 东北大学马克思主义学院;
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