[Abstract]:The sci-tech periodicals of colleges and universities have been regarded as the main position of publishing academic papers in teaching and scientific research. They play a very important role in strengthening academic exchanges, promoting the development of science and technology, discovering and cultivating talents, etc. It is of great significance to promote the popularization of scientific research achievements, the innovation of science and technology theory and the development of university discipline. Under the background of the gradual deepening of the cultural system reform and the rapid development of the network information technology, how to improve the quality and enhance the market competitiveness of the sci-tech periodicals in colleges and universities is a major challenge faced by the sci-tech periodicals in colleges and universities. Based on the theory of perceived quality in marketing theory, this paper studies the quality evaluation of sci-tech periodicals in colleges and universities based on perceived quality. Based on the theories of marketing, service marketing and service quality evaluation, this paper discusses the service characteristics of sci-tech periodicals in colleges and universities, defines the customers of sci-tech periodicals in colleges and universities, and analyzes the attributes of customers in sci-tech periodicals in colleges and universities. Secondly, based on the five evaluation dimensions of SERVQUAL, this paper analyzes the customer perceived quality needs of sci-tech periodicals in colleges and universities. Based on the questionnaire survey, this paper makes use of the factor analysis method to determine the questions and dimensions of the quality evaluation of sci-tech periodicals in colleges and universities, and forms a SERVQUAL evaluation model and method for the quality of sci-tech periodicals in colleges and universities based on perceived quality. Finally, the paper puts forward the countermeasures of improving the quality of sci-tech periodicals in colleges and universities, including improving the quality through the system reform, ensuring the quality of the organization, ensuring the quality of the promotion of the system, and promoting the quality of the personnel.
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