[Abstract]:At present, the transformation of Chinese publishing units into enterprises has entered the final stage, and the competitive threat brought by the entry of international publishing giants into the Chinese market cannot be ignored. In this context, is the maintenance of institutions, business management? Or simply market-oriented? So after leaving off the burden to enter the market, how to make oneself have the market ability and the superiority enterprise to carry on the counterbalance? These are all issues we need to consider. Higher Education Press (hereinafter referred to as "higher Education Society") after more than 50 years of development, in the domestic publishing market occupies a leading position, since 2003 into the process of conversion, a series of strategic transformation programs, has achieved good results. Stable teaching materials field, involved in educational training, network education, teaching instruments and other multi-angle business attempts to achieve impressive results. The experience of strategic mode transformation of higher education society provides abundant experience for domestic publishing enterprises. Through the analysis of the current international publishing situation, the internal and external environment of the strategic transformation of the higher education society, and the study of the action system of the strategic transformation of the higher education society, under the construction of the strategic transformation mode of SBBC1, this paper excavates the core competence of the higher education society. It is of practical significance for higher education societies to set up international publishing groups, set up trade barriers and avoid international policy risks. Also for the strategic development of China's publishing industry, restructuring has a certain reference significance.
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