[Abstract]:Under the background of the increasing competition in the book market and the comprehensive implementation of the publishing system reform, the external environment of China University Press has undergone profound changes. How to change the old operating mechanism and adapt to the new development situation in the new system environment is an urgent problem that many university publishers need to discuss and solve in the development. At present, there are few related researches in China and few based on case studies. The purpose of this paper is to absorb and draw lessons from the existing research on strategic management at home and abroad, and to discuss the strategic analysis and strategic choice of China University Press after its transformation from public institution to enterprise unit in the form of case study. Taking H University Press as an example, it is of great significance for small and medium-sized university publishing houses to make strategic decisions during the period of transformation. This paper uses the framework of strategic management. First of all, starting with the analysis of the external environment of H University Press, using the PEST analysis method and Porter's five competitiveness models, this paper analyzes the external factors that affect the development of H University Press. It reveals the opportunities and threats faced by H University Press. Secondly, the internal environment of H University Press is analyzed in detail to find out the internal advantages and disadvantages, and then the SWOT matrix analysis method is used to match each factor. The analysis shows that H University Press is facing a better opportunity of strategic choice. However, the lack of overall strength of H University Press determines that it cannot take the development road of denotation, but it should take the implicit way of development and concentrate limited resources to open up key areas. Form a publishing feature. Thirdly, according to its own characteristics and the experience of other university publishing houses' system transformation and strategic development, this paper determines two kinds of alternative strategies to meet the needs of H University Press: centralized professional publishing strategy and decentralized professional publishing strategy. Finally, according to the requirements of alternative development strategy, some suggestions are given in terms of product structure, market layout, brand management, marketing system and so on. The author believes that the effective measures to accelerate the process of system transformation and promote the strategic development of H University Press should include the following contents: defining the basic policy, actively changing the concept, establishing the corporate governance structure, and promoting the reform of the transformation system in a down-to-earth manner; Improve the management system and organizational structure, handle the relationship between the staff and the publishing house, establish a scientific incentive mechanism, promote the information construction of the publishing house, and strengthen the construction of enterprise culture.
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