本文关键词:中国传统廉政文化的现代转化 出处:《廉政文化研究》2016年05期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:The emergence of Chinese traditional clean and honest culture has its profound social and historical foundation such as economy politics culture and so on the natural economic foundation of farming society and the political foundation of patriarchal clan blood system society. The cultural thinking on the value and dignity of human beings constitutes the basic conditions for the emergence of Chinese traditional clean and honest culture. The prevailing social reality of bribery is its social background. The value orientation of honest governance and the tool of the value of clean government, the incorruptible practice of the single subject and the weakness of the foundation of practice. The rule of virtue dominates the practice mode of clean government and the personalization of clean governance constitutes the basic characteristics of Chinese traditional culture of clean government, which realizes the culture of clean government education, the ancient culture of clean officials, and the culture of clean government system in the traditional culture of clean government. The modern transformation of the culture of incorruptible supervision and anti-corruption and corruption punishment is of great significance in promoting the construction of anti-corruption in the new period and in creating a cultural atmosphere of honesty and corruption and corruption and shame in the whole society.
【作者单位】: 南通大学纪委;
【正文快照】: 五千年的中华文明为我们留下了许多治国安邦的历史经验。中国传统廉政文化作为中国古代政治文化遗产的重要组成部分,不仅具有扎实的理论资源,而且具有自身的体系,对中国各个时期的社会政治和文化的进程产生了重要影响。坚持古为今用、推陈出新,实现中国传统廉政文化的现代转化
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