本文关键词: 新时期 党政领导干部 权力观 出处:《新疆大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:The view of power refers to the basic attitude and general views of people on the issue of power, and the view of power of leading cadres of the party and government is an important part of the values of leading cadres. It is one of the guiding ideas for the party and government leading cadres at all levels to carry out their activities. Whether the view of power is correct or not has a direct impact on the direction and effect of the development of the activities of leading cadres, as well as on the correct view of power. It is possible for leading cadres to realize their value in life while benefiting the people; the wrong view of power will not only cause great harm to the interests of the people, but also hurt the leading cadres themselves in the new period. The construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics has made great achievements. At the same time, we must also see that we are also facing many new missions and problems. Since the 18 National Congress of the Party, reform has been deepened in an all-round way, and the view of power of individual party and government leading cadres has undergone subtle changes. Corruption and other bad behaviors have caused serious harm to the state and families. In the new period, the leading cadres of the party and government are still the leaders of the activities, but the masses and the market have become the main body. Starting from democracy, taking the market as the guide and establishing the legal consciousness, in our country, as party and state staff, leading cadres at all levels of the party and government should perform all kinds of public functions, and their words and deeds have a bearing on the image of the party and the government. Having a bearing on the smooth realization of the interests of the people of all nationalities and on the great cause of building socialism with Chinese characteristics, we must establish a correct view of power, which is not only a prerequisite for serving the people, but also a need for accomplishing various socialist undertakings. As an important part of the ideological construction of leading cadres, it is of great significance to strengthen and consolidate the position of the ruling party and to realize the great victory of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Under the guidance of Mao Zedong's views and theories on power, combined with the exposition of Locke, Rousseau and other western theorists as well as the relevant theories put forward by Xi Jinping, the views on power of party and government leading cadres in the new period are further defined. That is, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, we should make use of the power in our hands according to law to obtain the greatest welfare for the country, which is composed mainly of the people. In the new period, individual party and government leading cadres have not set up a correct view of power. There are still many problems in their view of power. They have deviated from the source of power. They have forgotten to take serving the people as their basic purpose, to use their power for personal gain and lack responsibility. They were eventually punished by the law. These problems are all related to the lack of ideological education, loopholes in the employment mechanism, bad social atmosphere, and the influence of family members. In order for leading cadres to establish a correct view of power, they must adhere to impartiality. The basic principles of the rule of law, introspection, and integrity are to establish a supervisory system for the operation of power, to uphold the fair use of power, to arm the mind with the thinking of the rule of law and the concept of the rule of law, to carry out his duties according to law, to be able to examine himself three times a day, and to often dissect himself. In order to cultivate the correct view of power of the party and government leading cadres, we must strengthen the ideological understanding of the fundamental problems of the leading cadres' power, and perfect the system of cadre training and management. The Party and government leading cadres should be strengthened to study and cultivate themselves so as to build a high quality leading team and make the leading cadres play an important role in the successful completion of socialist reform and development.
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