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发布时间:2018-02-11 11:32

  本文关键词: 东满抗日游击根据地 王明左倾错误路线 危害 出处:《延边大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Since the Meiji Restoration, Japan has formulated a "mainland policy" to colonize its Asian neighbors. In September 18th 1931, the Japanese Guandong Army launched the "Northeast incident," and then occupied the major cities of the three northeastern provinces. The Manchukuo was established. From then on, the Northeast became a Japanese colony, and the ethnic contradictions between China and Japan became the principal contradictions. The Dongman Special Committee of the Communist Party of China held a meeting of activists of the various county groups in Wengshilazi, Yanji County, on December 16th 1931. Since then, the people of all ethnic groups in the East Manchuria have embarked on a vigorous struggle to seize enemy weapons. Under the leadership of the Party organizations, the people of all ethnic groups in the Eastern Manchuria, under the leadership of the Party organizations, have successively established anti-Japanese guerrillas since the following spring. More than a dozen anti-Japanese guerrilla base areas have been established in mountain villages where the enemy's strength is relatively weak. On January 1931, the "left" adventurers, led by Wang Ming, occupied the leading position of the Central Committee at the fourth Plenary session of the sixth Central Committee. On June 24th 1932, They held a "North Conference" in Shanghai, launched a wrong critique of "the Northeast Special Theory." Wang Ming's "left" error caused serious harm to the anti-Japanese guerrilla and anti-Japanese guerrilla base areas in the East and Manchuria. To carry out positional warfare in the struggle to crush the enemy's "crusade". The Party organizations at all levels in the Dongman region have established many Soviet regimes in the anti-Japanese guerrilla base areas and carried out the agrarian revolution. As a result of the loss of the anti-Japanese masses and the intermediate forces and guerrilla base areas, the anti-Japanese guerrillas rejected the Salvation Army and the mountain forest corps and fell into an increasingly isolated situation. It seriously affected the development of the anti-Japanese revolutionary forces. The East Man Special Committee of the Communist Party of China carried out Wang Ming's "left" and wrong line and pushed the "struggle against the people's livelihood regiment" in Yanji County into the whole Dongman region of the Party and the anti-Japanese guerrillas. In the "struggle against the people's livelihood" which lasted for three years, more than 500 cadres of the Party, League organizations and guerrillas in the Dongman region were beaten into members of the "people's livelihood Regiment." Most of the people were killed. The anti-Japanese guerrilla base areas in the Eastern Manchuria suffered great losses.


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