本文关键词: 腐败 腐败治理 责任 责任冲突 负责任行政模式 出处:《郑州大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Corruption is a common social phenomenon both at home and abroad. With the rapid development of market economy, corruption has become a problem to be solved in all countries of the world. As far as our country is concerned, Apart from the imperfect social system and the imperfect market economy system, the lack of a sense of moral responsibility on the part of public officials is also one of the important factors leading to the occurrence of corruption. Comprehensive management, combined punishment and prevention, focusing on the policy of prevention, and comprehensively advancing the important idea of building a system for punishing and preventing corruption marks a major change in the thinking of corruption management in our country. Therefore, the governance of corruption should be a systematic project. We must adopt multi-dimensional and multi-angle of view to analyze the phenomenon of corruption, only relying on institutional anti-corruption and power restriction has certain limitations, and can not achieve the purpose of effectively controlling corruption. However, this limitation needs the strength of responsibility ethics to make up for and standardize, in order to achieve the optimal effect of corruption governance. This paper defines the concept of corruption on the basis of the analysis of the current situation of corruption and corruption governance research in China. This paper analyzes the harm of corruption, several important theories of corruption governance and their limitations. Based on Cooper's theory of administrative ethics, this paper analyzes the relationship between administrative responsibility, responsibility conflict and corruption in his theory. This paper studies the internal relationship between responsible administrative behavior and corruption governance, and tries to explore the countermeasures to govern corruption. The approximate structure of this paper is as follows: firstly, the concept of corruption is defined, and the harm of corruption is put forward. At the same time, it tries to analyze the contents and limitations of the current important corruption governance theory, and then through the internal relationship between corruption and Cooper's administrative ethics theory, the paper draws its guiding role to the corruption governance. Finally, the paper explores the countermeasures of corruption from the perspective of Cooper's administrative ethics, and makes a brief comment.
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