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发布时间:2018-03-14 20:44

  本文选题:“四个全面” 切入点:“全面从严治党” 出处:《学术探索》2015年03期  论文类型:期刊论文

[Abstract]:"administering the Party in an all-round and strict manner" is the fundamental guarantee for achieving the goals of building a well-off society in an all-round way, promoting reform and opening up, and administering the country according to law. It is the fundamental guiding ideology of party building in the new period. The word "comprehensive" of "managing the party comprehensively and strictly" should comprehensively implement the responsibility of strictly administering the party from the main body, and comprehensively cover the basic contents of party building in terms of content. On the basis of strict Party discipline, we must adhere to the combination of inner-party laws and regulations with constitutional laws, and constantly grasp and repeat them from time to time, and continue to improve their style of work in depth and in a sustained manner. In terms of ways and methods, we should insist on strict management of cadres and give full play to the role of the people's supervision in five aspects: comprehensive and strict administration of the Party should focus on maintaining the Party's advanced nature and purity, and should adhere to the principle of the Party's activities within the scope of the Constitution and the law; It is necessary to strengthen the building of inner-party laws and regulations and to administer the party according to law, and unswervingly carry out the building of a clean and honest party and the struggle against corruption.
【作者单位】: 云南省社会科学院马列所;公安消防部队昆明指挥学校训练部;


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