本文选题:中国共产党 切入点:基层党组织 出处:《东北石油大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The Communist Party of China is the core of Chinese politics. To understand Chinese politics, to analyze the current political situation in China and to understand the Communist Party of China is a key key. The Communist Party of China has gone from leading the people to seizing state power to leading the people to running the state power. The Communist Party of China is a party with an extremely tight and rigorous organizational system. In its internal structure, there are 4,413,000 grass-roots organizations of the Party, which are within the overall system of the Party. The grassroots Party organizations are at the end of the hierarchy, but this does not mean that their functions are relatively weak. The political functions of the grassroots Party organizations are of vital importance within the overall system of the Communist Party of China. Some people even think that "the history of the Party is a history of the development and growth of the Party's grass-roots organizations and members." therefore, in order to understand the CPC in depth, we must fully interpret the Party's grass-roots organizations. The most important function of the grass-roots party organization is its political function. This paper mainly does five things. First, it combs the political circles' views on "politics", including the dimension of morality and value, the dimension of theocracy, the dimension of power application. The theory of management dimension and Marxism dimension, then put forward their own view of "politics", and put forward a definition of "political function" combined with this view. Some problems in the political field of the study of the political function of the grass-roots party organization are mainly due to the lack of the concept of "political function" of the grass-roots party organization of the Communist Party of China and the deviation of the study on the political function of the party organization at the grass-roots level. Third, This paper puts forward the definition of the political function of the grass-roots party organization, and analyzes the connotation of the political function of the party organization at the grass-roots level, which mainly includes the function of the integration of the political party organization and the political party, the function of disciplining the party members and the training of the cadres. The formation and construction function of inner-party political ecology, the function of political implementation and political realization, the function of political link and political participation. It mainly includes the desalination of political consciousness, the weak political attribute, the weak implementation of democratic centralism, the prominent phenomenon of "rule by man", the insufficiency of political responsibility and politics, the weak use of political superiority closely related to the use of the magic weapon of the masses, and the lack of serious organizational life within the party. The activities have no effect. Fifth, the political functions of the grass-roots party organizations have been studied in terms of theory and practice. At the theoretical level, it is necessary to realize that assuming political functions is the inevitable mission of the grass-roots party organizations: the strictness of the Communist Party of China organizations endows the political functions of the party organizations at the grass-roots level, and the universality of the distribution of the Party's grass-roots organizations gives the political functions of the grass-roots Party organizations. China's unique political system requires grass-roots party organizations to assume political functions. The essence of the ruling of the Communist Party of China gives political functions to grass-roots party organizations, and puts forward some concrete measures at the practical level: to expand the coverage of grass-roots party organizations, To strengthen the "four consciousness" as the core to strengthen the ideal and belief education, strictly implement the party building responsibility, serious inner-party life, enhance the creativity of accomplishing the party's task, and strengthen the closeness of contacting the masses.
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