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发布时间:2018-04-05 20:57

  本文选题:政党 切入点:群众 出处:《华中师范大学》2014年博士论文

【摘要】:保持中国共产党同人民群众血肉联系是由党的性质、党的前途命运所决定的,他既是历史的选择,也是现实要求。密切联系群众是我们党的三大优良作风之一。历史经验证明,我们党与人民群众保持血肉联系,收到了显著效果。但随着改革开放的不断深入,党的执政对象和基础发生了巨大的变化。保持党同人民群众的血肉联系、不断提高党的执政能力成为摆在中国共产党面前的严峻考验。针对党的作风建设,党的十八大报告再次指出:“党坚强有力,党同人民保持血肉联系,国家就繁荣稳定,人民就幸福安康”,并将“脱离群众”作为摆在全党面前的“四大危险”之一。能否始终保持党与人民群众的血肉联系,不仅直接关系到党的生死存亡,还关系到社会主义事业的兴衰成败。加强对在我国全面建成小康社会的重要时期如何保持党同人民群众血肉联系的研究,从理论上深刻认识马克思主义政党与人民群众关系的理论、认识执政党建设的本质规律,不断加强党与人民群众的血肉联系,探索新形势下党联系群众的有效途径和方式,从实践上坚持党的群众路线,提升群众工作的针对性和有效性,既是我国理论界研究的一个重要命题,又具有重要的理论和实际应用价值。围绕如何保持和增强中国共产党与人民群众的血肉联系,本论文从六个方面展开论证,具体如下: 第一部分,政党与人民群众的关系的基本理论。梳理政党和人民群众概念的历史和现实内涵,阐述西方政治学和马克思主义关于人民群众与政党的相关理论。为本论文的分析奠定理论基础。 第二部分,国外政党处理与人民群众的关系的做法及经验启示。从西方国家的政党与人民群众关系、共产党政党与人民群众的关系和国外其他政党与人民群众的关系三个角度,对当前不同地域、不同政治体制的国家中政党与人民群众的关系进行了认真的分析,重点论述了苏共、越南共产党、古巴共产党、印(共)、新加坡人民行动党、日本政党与人民群众的关系及其处理与人民群众关系的方式方法。并指出国外政党处理与人民群众的关系的经验主要是要充分认识联系人民群众的重要作用;大力解决民生问题;加强和改进作风建设;拓宽人民群众政治参与渠道。 第三部分,中国共产党与人民群众血肉联系的形成与历史经验。以历史人物为线索阐述了马恩、列宁、毛泽东、邓小平、江泽民、胡锦涛、习近平等关于保持与人民群众血肉联系的思想,梳理中国共产党保持与人民群众血肉联系的理论历史。同时,论述了中国共产党与人民群众血肉联系的历史发展过程,提出中国共产党与人民群众保持血肉联系的历史经验是保持党群血肉关系必须要有高度自觉的历史使命感;保持党群血肉关系必须以为人民服务为中心;保持党群血肉关系必须以加强自身建设作为基本要求;保持党群血肉关系必须立足解决人民群众实际问题。 第四部分,当前中国共产党保持与人民群众血肉联系面临的挑战。本论文从党的队伍建设存有一定的滞后性;人民群众的构成出现多元化;人民群众维护自身利益的意识不断增强三个方面分析了当前共产党与人民群众的关系现状及其面临的挑战。 第五部分,当前各地党组织创新保持同人民群众血肉联系的实践创新及经验。由于适应社会主义市场经济发展的要求;社会主义民主政治发展的要求;执政方式转变的要求;社会降低交易成本提高人民群众消费能力的要求必须创新保持同人民群众血肉联系的实践。针对当前党的群众工作面临思想上,缺乏群众观点;感情上,群众感情淡漠;作风上,“四风”问题严重;方法上,不适应新变化;动力上,缺乏激励机制等问,各地党组织在实践中形成了很多好经验和做法。本论文重点介绍了广西崇左市扶绥县领导干部“驻村夜访”、上海市杨浦区委“一线工作法”、慈溪市委的“连心六法”,提出创新同人民群众血肉联系的实践经验有要始终把人民群众的根本利益放在首位;要创新群众工作理念;要重视做好群众工作的方法。 第六部分,保持中国共产党与人民群众血肉联系实践创新的思路与对策。提出保持中国共产党与人民群众血肉联系实践创新的是人民群众至上原则;人民群众需求原则;实效至上原则;机会平等原则;合法合理原则。思路和对策主要有加强党员干部的思想建设;努力整合党的群众工作力量;维护人民群众的权益;建设平等就业和教育公平制度。
[Abstract]:With the deepening of the reform and opening - up , the Party and the people maintain blood and flesh ties with the people , and the Party ' s ruling ability has become one of the " four major risks " before the Communist Party of China .

The first part , the basic theory of the relationship between the political party and the people , combs the historical and realistic meaning of the concept of the political party and the people , expounds the relevant theories of the western political science and Marxism on the masses and the political parties , and lays a theoretical foundation for the analysis of this paper .

The relationship between the political parties and the masses of the people and the relationship between the political parties and the masses of the people in the countries with different regions and different political systems are analyzed carefully , and the relationship between the political parties and the masses of the people and the ways to deal with the relationship of the masses are discussed .
Great efforts should be made to solve the problem of livelihood ;
Strengthening and improving the construction of style of work ;
Expand the political participation channels of the people ' s masses .

The third part , the formation and historical experience of the connection between the Communist Party of China and the people ' s blood and meat .
Maintaining the relationship between Party and group ' s blood and meat must be regarded as the center of the people ' s service ;
To maintain the relationship between Party and group ' s blood and meat must strengthen self - construction as the basic requirement ;
To maintain the relationship between Party and group ' s blood and meat must be based on the practical problems of the people .

The fourth part , the current Communist Party of China holds the challenge to the people ' s flesh and flesh connection , this paper has some lag behind the party ' s team construction ;
The composition of the people of the people has diversified ;
The present situation of the relationship between the current Communist Party and the people and the challenges facing the people are analyzed in three respects .

The fifth part , the innovation and experience of the party organization innovation in all over the world maintain the connection with the people ' s blood and meat , as a result of the requirement of adapting to the development of the socialist market economy ;
The requirement of socialist democratic political development ;
the requirement of the transformation of the ruling mode ;
In order to reduce the transaction cost and improve the people ' s consumption ability , it is necessary to innovate the practice of maintaining the connection with the people ' s blood and meat .
emotionally , the feelings of the masses are indifferent ;
In the style of work , the " four wind " problem is serious ;
the method does not adapt to the new change ;
There are many good experiences and practices in the power , lack of motivation mechanism , etc . In practice , Party organizations in various places have formed a lot of good experiences and practices in practice . This paper focuses on the first - line work law of the leading cadres in Fuxian County , Chongli City , Guangxi , and the " Lian Xin 6 Law " of the Municipal Committee of Cixi , and puts forward that the practical experience of innovation with the people ' s blood and meat ties should always put the fundamental interests of the people in the first place .
To innovate the concept of mass work ;
Pay attention to the methods of doing well for the masses .

The sixth part is to keep the thought and countermeasure of the Chinese Communist Party and the people ' s blood and meat contact practice innovation .
The principle of the people ' s demand ;
Principle of effectiveness first ;
( a ) The principle of equal opportunity ;
The thought and the countermeasure are mainly to strengthen the ideological and construction of Party members ' cadres ;
Efforts should be made to integrate the work force of the Party ' s masses ;
To safeguard the rights and interests of the people ;
( d ) The establishment of a system of equal employment and education equity .



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