本文选题:三实 切入点:领导干部 出处:《求是》2015年15期
[Abstract]:The "three strict and three solid" demands put forward by General Secretary Xi Jinping to the leading cadres reflect the value pursuit and political character of the Communists, and clearly define the foundation of the leading cadres' self-cultivation, the way of government, and the need to accomplish things.To practice "three strict and three facts", we must take the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's series of important speeches as the fundamental guidance, and use true learning, true understanding, true faith and true use throughout the whole process of special education, further strengthen our ideals and beliefs, strengthen the cultivation of party spirit, and build up the soul of faith.Be strict and pragmatic, fulfill one's duties, serve the people, and constantly write the great Chinese Dream's Anhui chapter.
【作者单位】: 中共安徽省委中心组;
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