本文选题:公立医院 + 廉洁风险防控 ; 参考:《中国卫生标准管理》2016年24期
[Abstract]:To carry out the work of preventing and controlling the risks of incorruptibility is an urgent need for the development of the current situation of combating corruption and advocating clean government, which is conducive to promoting the construction of a clean and honest party, correcting the unhealthy tendencies of the industry, and early discovering problems and correcting the emerging problems in the process of exercising power.Prevent and reduce corruption.Probity risk exists in all levels and links of managers and medical workers at all levels.Through the establishment of a clean risk prevention and control mechanism, all rights should be standardized and operated in the sun, so as to achieve "open, fair and just" power, which in essence is the effective and normal supervision and restriction of power.
【作者单位】: 盐城市第一人民医院监察室;
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