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发布时间:2018-05-16 08:30

  本文选题:陕甘宁边区 + 克服 ; 参考:《延安大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:On the basis of a large amount of collection and collation of relevant information, this study provides an overview of the financial situation in the Shanxi Gansu Ningxia border region before and after the war of resistance against the war and the combing of the front and rear wartime environment in front and rear of the Anti Japanese base areas, and further analyses the serious disagreements and debates on the overcoming financial and economic difficulties in the border areas. The main way to solve the financial difficulties in the border area is analyzed by the unified idea. Through understanding the experience and lessons of the financial and economic work in the border area, it is of great significance to our economic construction and financial work. At the same time, the experience and Enlightenment of the Communist Party of China in the local administration of the border area are to build a socialist harmonious society for us today. The relationship between the party and the masses, the improvement of the relationship between the party and the army has a very important practical significance. This article is divided into five problems to study. The first is to investigate the financial situation before the 1941 of the Shanxi Gansu Ningxia border region before September.1937, the main source of the government finance of the Shanxi Gansu Jiangsu region is to beat the local tyrants and raise money; the government of the border region government has established the finance after the establishment of the government. Mainly relying on foreign aid, including three parts: the Kuomintang's military pay for the Eight Route Army; the contribution of the people at home and abroad; the support of the Communist International. After the southern Anhui Incident, the border region's economy was severely damaged, and the Central Committee of the Communist Party and the government were urgently needed to take a series of measures to solve. Second, the main analysis of the reasons for the financial difficulties in the border areas. The economic blockade of the border area of the Kuomintang and the Kuomintang's stubborn party; secondly, the influence of the bad natural conditions in the border area and the backwardness of the productive forces; finally, the contradiction between the increase of the non production personnel and the production capacity is sharp, and then the financial burden is aggravated. Third, the main analysis and study of the party's inner party on the Shaanxi Gansu Ningxia border area overcomes the finance. The serious disagreement and debate of economic difficulties. By combing the lines of the party's understanding of self-reliance and economy as the center, and then analyzing the differences and debates on how to overcome the financial difficulties in the party, we finally summed up the successful convening of the unified thought of the party in the high dry meeting of the Northwest Bureau in 1942. Four, the main analysis of the border area to overcome financial difficulties. Based on the strong leadership of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China as the key to the logistics support work, through the collection of national food and salt in the border area, the border government issued bonds and border currency, the "special goods" policy, and finally the implementation of the four main measures of concise politics and hard thrift. In order to alleviate financial difficulties. Fifth, carry out the big production movement. The government of the border region overcoming financial difficulties mainly adopts a two pronged approach, namely, open source and throttle. Diligence and frugality, concise politics is a throttle, public grain, public salt, bonds and so on are open source. These are all temporary, and the main way to really and thoroughly solve the financial difficulties at this time is to be really and thoroughly. We must develop large-scale production to increase the total economic volume of the border area and effectively overcome the financial and economic crisis.



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