本文选题:新型政商关系 + “亲”与“清” ; 参考:《首都经济贸易大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:On March 4, 2016, when General Secretary Xi Jinping visited the members of the National Committee of the Chinese people's political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) at the fourth session of the 12th National Committee of the Chinese people's political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), he put forward that the new relationship between government and business could be summed up as "pro-government" and "Qing". Faced with the rampant development of illegitimate political and commercial relations such as collusion between government and business, the Party and the government resolutely rectified the situation with the determination of the strong men to judge the wrist, and "tigers and flies fight together." With the fall of a large number of senior provincial and ministerial officials, the social atmosphere has gradually improved, and the bad social atmosphere of the relationship between government and business has gradually been contained. At this time, General Secretary Xi Jinping put forward to construct the "pro-" Qing" new relationship between government and business can be said to grasp the key points to improve and develop the relationship between government and business. This paper first analyzes the development of China's political and commercial relations from different levels since the reform and opening up. Then from the government and the non-public enterprise two levels elaborated our country government business relations existence flaw and the insufficiency, and took the Huang Ming solar energy incident as an example to analyze the case existence the improper government commercial relations. This paper discusses the preconditions of constructing a new political and commercial relationship from three aspects of historical and cultural inheritance, the superiority of socialist system and the basic state policy of ruling the country according to law, and through the construction of a hypothetical state model and a new model of political and commercial relations. The urgency and feasibility of constructing a new relationship between government and business are further discussed. On the basis of clarifying the limits of communication between government and business, this paper discusses the responsibility of government, the construction of supervision system of government public power, and the relevant measures and suggestions of non-public enterprises in the process of building a new relationship between government and business.
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