发布时间:2018-06-03 16:41
本文选题:“老三篇” + 《纪念白求恩》 ; 参考:《山东师范大学》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:“老三篇”是指毛泽东在抗日战争时期发表的三篇文章:《为人民服务》、《纪念白求恩》、《愚公移山》。“老三篇”为全国军民树立了三个学习的榜样:白求恩、张思德、愚公;古今中外,非常齐全。在《毛泽东选集》1 4卷中,这样专门为一个人各写一篇文章,作为人们学习的典范,也只有这三篇。它凝聚了毛泽东对中国共产党人的的人格理想,所体现的全心全意为人民服务精神,毫不利己专门利人的白求恩精神,挖山不止、奋斗到底的愚公移山精神,培育了我们几代人,有助于树立正确的人生观、世界观、价值观,为促进追求民族独立和国家富强起了重大的鼓舞作用。 学习“老三篇”运动经历了一个大起大落的过程:自成文起,到建国后被收录到《毛泽东选集》,伴随着“活学活用”毛泽东著作运动,“老三篇”的单行本、合订本等在全国范围内大量发行。自林彪1959年担任国防部长、主持军委日常工作以后,便大肆鼓吹“毛泽东思想是当代马克思列宁主义的顶峰”,提出学习毛泽东著作是学习马列主义的“捷径”,学习的方法是“背警句”,在军队中倡导学习“老三篇”。在改造人们灵魂深处、树立无产阶级世界观的“文化大革命”期间,林彪又多次发表讲话,要求“把‘老三篇’作为座右铭来学,搞好思想革命化”;“天天读、天天背”的学习“老三篇”运动扩展到全国,走向简单化、教条化、庸俗化的道路。随着林彪集团的破灭;加上群众、干部的批评和抵制,林彪鼓吹的学习“老三篇”运动也随之降温了。中国共产党十一届三中全会实现了思想路线的拨乱反正,,冲破了党的指导思想上存在的教条主义和个人崇拜,专门地、疯狂地学习“老三篇”运动再也不会出现,甚至很少有人知道“老三篇”。但是,并不代表“老三篇”没有用、没有必要学习了。“老三篇”蕴含的深刻内涵在新时期依然充满活力,永不过时。 中国共产党在领导中国人民建设中国特色社会主义现代化过程中取得许多重大成就,但是也出现了一些矛盾和问题。学习和践行“老三篇”十分必要,在当前仍然是进行思想教育、建设社会主义精神文明必不可少的教材,是端正党风和社会风气、抵制各种非无产阶级思想的有力武器。“老三篇”是对增强党性、坚定理想信念最精辟的论述,是进行党性锻炼和理想信念教育的宝贵财富。它丰富了毛泽东思想体系本身,奠定了中国共产党党性的基本内容,加强了社会主义核心价值体系和民族精神的构建,它所遗留的坚持全心全意为人民服务、坚持群众路线、坚持艰苦奋斗、为共产主义奋斗的精神和经验对今天及以后的发展仍有积极意义。
[Abstract]:"Old three" refers to three articles published by Mao Zedong during the War of Resistance against Japan: serving the people, commemorating Bai Qiuen, and moving the Big Mountain by the Fool Gong. The three Old articles set three models for the army and people throughout the country: Bai Qiuen, Zhang Side, Fool Gong, all time and all over the world, very complete. In one or four volumes of the anthology of Mao Zedong, there are only three articles written for one person as a model for learning. It condenses Mao Zedong's ideal of personality towards the Chinese Communists, embodies the spirit of serving the people wholeheartedly, the Bai Qiuen spirit of not benefiting himself or herself, digging mountains and moving the spirit of Dashan through to the end. We have nurtured several generations of people, helped to establish a correct outlook on life, world outlook, values, to promote the pursuit of national independence and national prosperity played a major role in encouraging. The study of the "Old three articles" movement experienced a big ups and downs: from the beginning of the text, it was included in the anthology of Mao Zedong after the founding of the people's Republic of China, accompanied by the movement of "Learning to learn and use" Mao Zedong, and the monographs of "the Old three articles". Binding books and so on in a large number of nationwide distribution. Since Lin Biao served as defense minister in 1959 and presided over the routine work of the military Commission, he has vigorously advocated that "Mao Zedong's thought is the pinnacle of contemporary Marxism-Leninism," and proposed that studying Mao Zedong's works is a "shortcut" for studying Marxism-Leninism. The method of learning is to recite the aphorism and advocate the study of the old three in the army. During the "Cultural Revolution", which transformed people's souls and established the proletarian worldview, Lin Biao spoke many times, demanding that "the old three articles" should be used as a motto to learn and revolutionize thinking; "read it every day." The "Old three" learning movement extends to the whole country and leads to simplification, dogmatism and vulgarization. With the collapse of the Lin Biao group and criticism and resistance from the masses and cadres, Lin Biao's campaign to learn from the Old three has cooled. The third Plenary session of the 11th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China realized the rectification of the ideological line, broke through the dogmatism and individualism existing in the party's guiding ideology, and specially and frantically studied the movement of "the old three" never again. Few even know the Old three. However, does not mean that the old three articles are useless, there is no need to learn. The profound connotation of the Old three is still full of vitality and will never be out of date in the new period. The Communist Party of China has made many great achievements in the process of leading the Chinese people to build socialism with Chinese characteristics, but there are also some contradictions and problems. It is very necessary to study and practice the "three old articles". At present, it is still an indispensable teaching material for ideological education and the construction of socialist spiritual civilization. It is a powerful weapon for rectifying the party style and social ethos and resisting all kinds of non-proletarian ideas. The third part is the most incisive exposition on strengthening the Party spirit and strengthening the ideal and belief, and it is the precious wealth of the party spirit training and the ideal and belief education. It enriches the ideological system of Mao Zedong itself, establishes the basic content of the Party spirit of the Communist Party of China, strengthens the construction of the socialist core value system and the national spirit, and adheres to the principle of serving the people wholeheartedly and adhering to the mass line. The spirit and experience of persisting in hard struggle and struggle for communism will still have positive significance for the development of today and beyond.
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