本文选题:闽西苏区 + 法制建设 ; 参考:《中共福建省委党校学报》2017年09期
[Abstract]:By using the genetic concept of genetic factor (now called gene), this paper analyzes the "gene" and its related contents in the process of the legal construction of the Soviet region of Western Fujian under the early leadership of the Communist Party of China. The paper puts forward eight "genes" formed in the construction of the legal system in the Soviet region of Western Fujian, namely: the gene of Marxism-Leninism, the gene of the leadership of the Party, the gene of politics for the purpose of seizing political power, the gene of the tool of class struggle and violent revolutionary struggle; Formal genes for strict organizational discipline; genes for individual sacrifice and dedication; and genes for traditional Chinese culture and modern rule of law. Taking the "genes" of the eighth National Congress of the Communist Party of China as an analytical tool, we can not only analyze the nature, characteristics and trend of the legal system construction in the Soviet region of Western Fujian, but also provide an effective analysis tool for the analysis and understanding of all the legal construction under the leadership of the Communist Party of China.
【作者单位】: 中共福建省委党校福建行政学院;
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