[Abstract]:Behind the phenomenon of "four winds" and corruption, there are obvious problems such as the vacillation of ideal and belief, the split of personality, the desalination of tenet view, the alienation of mass view, the alienation of power view, the weak sense of responsibility. To investigate its causes, the key lies in the lax or ineffective governance of officials. Since the 18th National Congress of the Party, the Party Central Committee, with Xi Jinping as its general secretary, has strictly governed officials, made clear the standards of cadres and the path of good cadres' growth, devoted itself to establishing a scientific and effective mechanism for selecting and employing people, and strengthened supervision and restriction on power. It shows the remarkable characteristics of setting an example from the top to the bottom, grasping the "key few", strictly doing what is true, strengthening the bottom line by strict rules, strengthening the construction of the system, combining the clean self-discipline with the right to govern according to law, and so on. From the fundamental point of view, the key to strictly governing officials lies in the scientific selection and use of personnel; insisting on the unity of the party's leadership and the people's democracy; carrying out scientific classified management of cadres; and carrying out "organizing nominations and differential elections" for selected and appointed cadres. The combination of three factors is the key to the scientific selection and employment system.
【作者单位】: 中共上海市委党校党史党建部;中共上海市委党校政党研究所;
【基金】:国家社科基金重大招标项目“新时期党的工作作风与党群关系研究”(13&ZD009) 上海市哲学社会科学规划系列课题“新形势下从严治党的特点与规律研究”(2015XAJ001) 2015年中组部党建所重点调研课题子课题“习近平总书记从严治吏思想研究”之研究成果
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