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发布时间:2018-11-07 21:27
[Abstract]:The sustainable development of resource-based cities is a major theoretical and practical problem that is of universal concern in the society today. The Party's scientific and technological innovation provides theoretical and practical guidance for the sustainable development of resource-based cities. In this paper, the contents and characteristics of the Party's scientific and technological innovation thoughts are clarified, the development context of the Party's scientific and technological innovation thoughts since the founding of the people's Republic of China is combed, and the current situation of resource exhaustion in the development of resource-based cities is analyzed. The existing industrial structure of resource-based cities is generally unsustainable, environmental pollution is becoming more and more serious, and urban construction depends heavily on the output of resources. This paper points out the important significance of guiding the development of resource-based cities by the Party's thought of scientific and technological innovation, that is, the Party's thought of scientific and technological innovation is an important guarantee to guide the transformation of resource-based cities. It is the fundamental motive force to guide the industrial transformation of resource-based cities and the fundamental way to guide the upgrading of resource-based city enterprises. Through the concrete practice of the Party's scientific and technological innovation thought in two typical resource-based cities, Daqing and Fuxin, the paper points out that the Party's scientific and technological innovation thought can make the scientific and technological development strategy for resource-based cities at the government level. In the enterprise level to build a scientific and technological innovation system, in the level of scientific research institutions to vigorously cultivate talent and other aspects of the positive role of promoting the city's independent innovation, the rapid development of urban emerging industries, The city science and technology park science and technology service function consummation and so on aspect has played the important promotion function. On this basis, finally summed up the Party's ideas of scientific and technological innovation to guide the development of resource-based cities several useful experiences: first, resource-based cities must deepen the understanding of the role of scientific and technological innovation; Second, resource-based cities must speed up the construction of scientific and technological innovation system; third, resource-based cities must build multi-directional blending talent training model; fourth, resource-based cities must contribute to the construction of scientific and technological environment.


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