[Abstract]:"the sense of alignment" is put forward on the basis of realistic social background, is the party's major political principles and political requirements, is a new need for strict administration of the Party in the new period, for Party members to take the name of the Party and to implement the Party's major policies. " The sense of alignment "requires Communists to conform to the Party Central Committee, to the party's theory and policy line, to the party's 18th National Congress and the third, fourth and Fifth Plenary sessions of the 18th CPC Central Committee, and to the Party Central Committee on reform, development, stability, internal and foreign affairs and national defense. The policies of administering the party, governing the country, and administering the army are in line with each other. In order to strengthen the "sense of alignment", we should strengthen our ideological understanding, party spirit cultivation, and implementation of actions, so as to more comprehensively, concretely, and firmly standardize the words and deeds of the Communist Party members and enhance the organizational discipline of the Communist Party members.
【作者单位】: 中共中央党校科学社会主义教研部;
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