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发布时间:2018-11-15 15:50
[Abstract]:With the changes in the economic and legal environment, corruption cases of many government officials and executives have come to the surface, arousing heated discussion in the whole society. Executive corruption will not only destroy the interests of shareholders, but also breed corrupt social atmosphere, which is not conducive to the stable operation of the country. In order to prevent and control the occurrence of executive corruption, the academic community began to think about how to deal with executive corruption and influence the factors of executive corruption. What is executive corruption? In order to satisfy their own selfish desire, the essence of this paper is to abuse their power to ask for bribes. Next, this paper focuses on the relationship between executive power and executive corruption. According to the above description, the sample size of this paper is listed enterprises with corruption of senior executives in 2009-2015. The executive power is divided into four indicators, namely, expert power, structural right, prestige right and ownership right. Through some empirical test methods to explore the relationship between executive power and corruption and add the internal control effectiveness variable to study the regulatory effect of the two relationships. The final conclusion of this paper is as follows: first, the total executive power has a significant positive effect on executive corruption, that is, the greater the executive power, the more likely it is to have corruption. After observing the four detailed indexes of executive power, we can see that except that the executive structural power has no significant negative effect on executive corruption, the other three thinning indexes, namely executive ownership, expert right and prestige right, all have significant positive effects on executive corruption; Second, the effectiveness of internal control has a significant inhibitory effect on the corruption caused by executive power, which indicates that the higher the quality of internal control, the more effective inhibition of executive corruption caused by executive power, and this inhibition effect is becoming more and more intense in state-owned enterprises. Third, the board of supervisors of state-owned enterprises has brought into full play the role of supervision, which has a significant negative effect on the corruption of senior executives, and can effectively curb the corruption of senior executives. In state-owned listed companies, the proportion of equity owned by the first shareholder has a significant positive effect on executive corruption, while in non-state-owned listed companies the opposite is true. The main contributions of this paper are as follows: (1) expand the new perspective of internal control and corruption governance. At present, the academic circles mainly study the governance of corruption from the macroscopic angle, such as adjusting the power of government intervention, constructing the government supervision system, and increasing the rent-seeking cost, but few people take the perspective of internal control as the basic point of study. To explore how to prevent and control corruption. Looking at the present situation of our country, we can see that the enterprises of our country have the following characteristics: the number of enterprises is numerous, the scale is large, the phenomenon of corruption and corruption of company executives often occurs, and its bad consequences even exceed that of government officials. The author believes that by optimizing the internal control system, the rent-seeking corruption can be effectively alleviated and the social atmosphere eliminated. (2) the research on the consequences of internal control is extended. At present, scholars mainly focus on exploring the economic consequences of internal control, such as protecting the interests of shareholders, improving the value of enterprises, reducing the risk of enterprises, rarely involving the prevention and control of corporate corruption.


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