[Abstract]:The three main forces of the Chinese Workers and Peasants Red Army officially declared the great victory of the two-year long March. This great victory, under the correct leadership of the Party, is a magnificent heroic epic composed by the broad masses of Red Army officers and men who have endured arduous and dangerous experiences, fought with blood and fully carried forward revolutionary optimism and the spirit of revolutionary collectivism. The victory of the long March of the Red Army is inseparable from the continuous cultural propaganda. Throughout the long March, cultural propaganda is a shining example of red cultural communication of the Communist Party of China. Mao Zedong summed it up as follows: "the long March is the first time in history, the long March is a manifesto, the long March is a propaganda team, and the long March is a seeding."
【作者单位】: 福建省革命历史纪念馆;
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